Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Oli

"That's fucking disgusting!"

Oli grinned at Lucy's disgust, high-fiving Mat Nicholls who had taken it upon himself to tell Lucy every single detail about the male private parts and how he liked to utilise them. Not to be a dick, but Oli did enjoy watching Lucy squirm.

"That's nothing," Lee Malia butted in. "You should hear some of the shit Nicholls has done with actual girls."

"No thanks," Lucy scrunched her nose up at the offer, leaning further into Oli's side.

In typical teenage fashion, the five alternative-looking pupils had occupied the back of the bus, managing to scare off not one, but two old ladies from sitting upstairs. It was funny, Oli thought, to see boomers so freaked out by tattoos when most of them grew up in the time of nuclear war threats and even higher knife crime rates than in South London.

"I'd literally rather die than go to school right now," Tom groaned, successfully changing the odd and extremely disturbing topic of discussion.

"Same," Lee sighed.

Oli grinned. "Nah, I'm looking forward to it. This is my last year of school, and then I'm out of this shithole. And A-levels are a doddle compared to stupid fucking GCSEs."

"What would you know about A-Levels?" Tom snorted. "I don't think I've seen you revise once."

"You don't need to revise for Art and Music," Mat grumbled. "Lucky bastard."

"Hey! Music and Art are like the hardest A-levels there are!" Oli protested vehemently. "And Business Studies is a lot harder than I thought it would be."

"Of course," Lucy rolled her eyes, but Oli sensed a slight discomfort behind her words. She seemed a bit on edge, tapping her foot and biting her nails and fiddling with wispy strands of blonde-pink hair from her bun.

Wisely, Oli didn't comment. He knew that Lucy sometimes got a bit anxious around his mates- something to do with them being too cool and shit.

"GCSEs are hard though," Tom complained. "I honestly had so much homework over the holidays. Like that essay Mr Taylor set us- I literally had no idea to write. What did you talk about?"

"Oh, capitalism versus socialism wasn't it?" Lucy frowned. "I did it at the beginning of the holidays so my memory's kind of hazy."

"Nerd," Mat laughed. "I did my geography homework last night. 3am. Legit."

"That would've been this morning then," Oli teased, squeezing Lucy lightly. "And Lucy's not a nerd. You'll never guess what she did with Michael Clifford at Gaskarth's party...!"

"Was that what the call was about?" Tom asked eagerly. "Last night?"

"Got pregnant, she did," Oli grinned, proudly. "Didn't you?" He nudged Lucy playfully as she turned bright red and attempted to hide in his shoulder.

"I'm not pregnant," she mumbled, just about loud enough for the others to hear.

"That's a relief," Mat snickered. "But don't worry- I was just messing. I know you're not a nerd, yeah?"

Oli inwardly sighed with relief. Strangely enough, he enjoyed Lucy's company and hoped to spend more time this year with her without his dickhead friends scaring her off.

"If there's one person I'd be a nerd for it's Mr Taylor," Lucy announced, recovering quite speedily. "He's so fucking fit..."

"You're talking to the wrong people," Lee noted. "But, if I was gay.... yeah he's good-looking. I guess."

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