Chapter 13

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Chapter 13-Oli

"-and this is our new Physical Education teacher, Mr Basset," the headmaster announced as the students clapped feebly, not really giving a shit.

It sucked coming back to school in January- it was cold, wet and threatening to snow, and Oli really missed the warmth of his bed. And to make it worse, they had a whole school assembly first thing. A new PE teacher wasn't all that groundbreaking, Oli reckoned, just another person to shout at them when they were caught smoking in the changing rooms.

"What the ever-loving fuck shit is that?" Lee Malia hissed next to Oli. "Oli, mate- look!"

Oli dragged his eyes away from that fit geography teacher to focus on Mr Basset, who- shit. Shit.

"Fuck," Oli swore, not caring that literally everyone within a two metre radius heard him, "They can't employ that dick! He's a fucking homeless pedophile, for fuck's sake! This is a school- they can't- they cannot-"

"Language, Oliver," Mr Richardson warned, but he didn't look all that bothered.

The headmaster seemed to have caught on that there was some sort of disruption amongst the Year 13s, and he shot Oliver his best dirty look. Fuck you, Oli glared back, and fuck that stupid nonce sitting next to you.

Assembly was a blur after that: chanting the Lord's Prayer half-heartedly, singing the school's favourite hymn and thinking about the best way to get a pedo sacked. In typical PE teacher fashion, Mr Basset was wearing tracksuit bottoms and a school hoodie, with his greying hair slicked back like he was some fucking 80s filmstar. Every inch of Oli's being wanted to storm up to him and straight up punch him in the face, mess up his gelled hair and steal his trainers because those were some really nice shoes right there. He probably nicked them, fucking psycho criminal.

"That was wack," Mat Nicholls announced as they trudged down the corridor to their lockers, accidentally knocking over some frightened-looking Year 7s. "This year's off to a great start, isn't it: my best mate's a fag, and now a fucking nonce is teaching PE at our school."

"Stop using that word, for the love of God," Oli complained, swinging his locker open in one angry gesture. He wasn't gay, because he definitely liked girls, and he hadn't meant to kiss a boy, just Josh was kissing him and he was on ketamine and his lips were so soft and he smelt like gingerbread and-

"What- 'nonce'?" Mat joked, elbowing his mate in the ribs. It was meant as a friendly nudge, perhaps, but Oli was bony as fuck and that actually really hurt.

"I hate you," Oli grumbled, tugging out his sketchbook for art. "Josh has gone back to Surrey anyways, Southern arse."

"Yeah, you would know all about his arse, wouldn't you?"

Oli ignored the jibe. He liked kissing people, and maybe Josh had been a boy, but so what? He was a good kisser and he understood that Oli didn't want to date him.

"Can it," Matt Kean ordered, having overheard the encounter. "It was Olivia's fault that Josh kissed Oli. And yours, actually."

Mat grinned. "It was funny! All right, I'll stop."

"You'd better."

"Enough," Matt Kean interjected before they could start fighting again, "We need to get going- lessons start soon."

"We have PE this afternoon," Lee noted, looking up from his timetable, "Should we tell someone?"

"What- that our teacher's a fucking nonce? They won't believe that," Oli pointed out, "We need to like, catch him in the act or summat."

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