Chapter 17

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Chapter 17- Oli


"Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck," Oli cursed, glaring at the ceiling of his bedroom.

He couldn't bring himself to look at anyone, especially not Lucy. Part of him understood why she'd got off with Mat Nicholls, but he still felt a little too angry to see her and not burst into tears / shout at her till she was the one crying.

"You guys have to do something," Jordan said from his seat at Tom's desk.

"Why don't you do something?" Mat Nicholls huffed.

"'Cause it's not my PE teacher?"


"Jordan's right, we have to do something," Matt Kean argued. "This man has Lucy and Oli fucking- and who knows what he'll do with it? It might already be on PornHub or some shit."

"I'd watch it," Mat commented, snickering.

"This isn't funny!" Lee protested, "It's fucking sick. And- you know, he might have all of us in our underwear! Not to mention all the boys in the school!"

Oli didn't move from his position on the bed, but he was 95% sure that Lucy was crying. Fuck.

He tilted his head to one side, towards his bedside table, where a jar of grainy white crystalline powder was just waiting to be snorted. Recently, he'd purchased a hypodermic needle at the recommendation of his dealer, but he was a bit hesitant to inject himself with the drug, even if it made the effects of ketamine stronger and better.

All of a sudden, Tom burst into the room. Oli sat up to look at his brother, doing his best to keep his gaze from flickering over to Lucy who was sitting on the floor by the bathroom, pale face tear-stained. Oops, he was definitely looking.

"There's a camera in the girls' changing room," he gasped, choking for breath.

"You ran all the way from school? Impressive," Matt Kean noted.

"You went in the girls' changing rooms? Lit," Mat Nicholls smirked.

"No to both of those things," Tom collapsed on his bed next to Oli's. "I took the bus, and I asked Olivia to check for me. She was a bit confused."

"There's a camera in the girls' changing room? Oh my god," Lucy whispered, looking horrified. Oli felt his heart beat hard against his chest as he watched her close her eyes in despair, more tears leaking out from her eyelids. Oh fuck.

"We'll do something," he found himself saying. Someone had to do something, and it may as well be him. If he sorts out this nonce, maybe Danny will start giving him more free drugs as a thank you for saving his little sister. Paying for ket was draining his bank account.

"What?" Mat asked. "What are gonna do? We're just a bunch of teenagers- none of the teachers will listen to us. And they'll side with Mr Basset to protect the school's image, even if they believe us."

"But then they would be protecting a literal pedophile," Matt K argued, "That's illegal. The teachers aren't stupid; they won't risk their jobs for some nonce preying on their pupils."

A silence settled over the room, everyone deep in thought.

"Lucy," Oli said on impulse. "Lucy, go. I know you've got to finish your art coursework. We'll try and sort this, I promise."

"How am I supposed to do homework when our PE teacher is actually a nonce? We're not the only ones affected- there are Year 7s, they are eleven-"

"Lucy," Oli interrupted, "I know. I know, okay? But we're gonna tell someone, we're gonna get help. Just- please don't worry too much. I don't- I don't want you to be all upset by this."

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