Chapter 11

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Chapter 11- Oli

    "Are you sure you want to do this?" Lucy asked again.

    Oli grinned. It was the afternoon of Christmas Day and they were on a bus to the police station, armed with a packet of Haribos for Danny.

    "Danny's my friend," Oli assured Lucy. "In fact, I bet I'm closer to him than you are."

    "You're welcome to him," Lucy sighed. "I have too many brothers. And now all my friends are boys as well."

    "That's not a bad thing. Me and Tom and my mates- we're here for you, even if you want to talk about periods and boy-bands and makeup."

    "Boy bands aren't my thing," Lucy cast a sideways glance at Oli, "And I have sisters still."

    "But you much prefer hanging out with us," Oli slung an arm around her, and pulled her close, content.

    Lucy was silent, and Oli realised that this was her first time visiting the prison since Danny went in. No wonder she'd asked him to come with her, even though it was obviously causing her a lot of guilt to drag him away from his family on Christmas. Oli was actually delighted to leave home as his dad had started nagging him about jobs and futures and shit, and Tom's obsession with the pervert in the park was unhelpful too.

    "Please don't get arrested," Lucy mused, reaching up to thread her hand through his hair.

    "I won't" Oli agreed, knowing that it wasn't on his to-list. "But.. I don't know."


    "Nah, it's nothing."

    Lucy pouted. "But now I'm all intrigued. You led me on."

    "Now you would know all about that, wouldn't you?"


    The police station was exactly as Oli remembered. Due to lack of government funding, the prison was a concrete block slapped around the back, with several layers of security to go through before you reached the prison.

    Oli watched warily as two men patted Lucy down, checking for weapons and such, but really using it as an excuse to grope her. He was probably wrong with that view, and they were probably just doing their job, but he sort of liked getting upset over her because she always reacted so flustered and cute.

    "You can go through," an Asian woman with her dark hair pulled back in a tight bun waved them through to a cell.

    "Thank you, Officer Yajima," Lucy smiled, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear as part of a nervous tic she'd developed since the incident at the park with the pedo, which she couldn't even remember.

    Oli did consider telling the nice policewoman about what happened at the park, but decided against it because it was Christmas and Lucy was eager to keep it quiet. Oli wasn't quite sure why, but it probably involved embarrassment over how stoned she was, which was adorable.

    "Hi, merry Christmas, happy holidays," Danny greeted the two of them with a confident nod.

    He'd been expecting them as Lucy had been writing him letters weekly for reasons that nobody quite understood because Danny had perfect access to a telephone. Oli found himself wondering if Lucy would write him letters if he got arrested.

    "Hi," Lucy replied, cautiously.

    "Ah, come here," Danny laughed, getting up from what Oli assumed to be his bed to pull Lucy into a hug. "Thank you for your letters," he said, sincerely, "They were really sweet and God knows I can only listen to mum moaning on the phone for so long."

    "I thought you might get lonely," Lucy blushed, staring at her hands, "And letters don't go away like phone calls do. They can be there for as long as you want."

    "They've made me really happy," Danny grinned.

    Oli smirked at the interaction. He knew that Lucy had a complicated relationship with most of her family, but Danny was part of the same crowd as Oli and his mates so it made sense that Lucy would be closer to him over her other siblings.

    "Hey Oli, mate," Danny hugged Oli quickly, "How's it going?"

    The door was still open, so Oli supposed that Officer Yajima had to listen to their conversation, which sucked.

    "Um, yeah, I'm good," Oli shrugged, "Miss you and stuff..."

    Miss you and your drugs.

    "Don't worry, Oli," Danny's lips curved into a knowing smile, "I'll be out soon and I'm sure we'll be hanging out a lot now that you're eighteen."

    Oli grinned at the prospect of hanging out with Danny and his infamous drug-dealing friends. They were basically a gang, minus the whole violence thing. Maybe he was a lot like Lucy with the whole hanging-out-with-older-cooler-people thing.

    They all chatted for a bit- school, friends, family, music, politics. Danny finished the Haribos in ten seconds flat, claiming that prison food was even shittier than school lunches.

    "Hey, that's quite long enough," an elderly policeman interrupted their exchange, looking exceedingly grumpy.

    "Come on, it's Christmas, we can give them a bit longer," Officer Yajima entered the room, smiling apologetically with hard eyes glaring at the first policeman.

    "Yeah, Karen, we can have a bit longer," Danny grinned.

    "Right, that's it, out!"

    Oli watched as Lucy bit her lip, waving to her brother before exiting the cell. He followed her out, not wanting to get into trouble with her, nevermind the police.

    "Sorry about that," Officer Yajima said, walking the teenagers to the exit. "But Danny's doing fine; he gets on with everyone except that Officer. Karen, as he calls him."

    She glanced behind her shoulder to check that he wasn't listening, then smiled one last time and returned to her seat behind the desk in the foyer.

    "Well, as long as he's doing okay," Lucy sighed as they walked back to the bus stop. It had got a bit colder since they were last outside, and Oli really wished he'd put a coat on over his Christmas jumper.

    "He was fine," Oli shrugged, "But I'm gonna freeze my arse off if a bus doesn't show up soon."

    Oli noticed Lucy's eyes flicker down to his bum and inwardly cheered, but didn't comment, knowing he was a million times worse when it came to checking people out.

    He took hold of her hand and swung their arms together until they reached the bus stop, which was deserted as per usual on Christmas Day.

"Am I still a teenager if I'm legally an adult?" he wondered aloud.

Lucy looked up at him, confused and half-laughing. "What?"

"Well, I can buy booze now and shit, but I'm eight-teen. Teen."

    "You can be a teenager if you want," Lucy decided, "But I really wouldn't recommend it."

    "Okay," Oli said, taking her opinion into consideration. "Can I be a horny teenager?"

    Lucy looked even more confused, which amused Oli. He wondered how long he could keep this up.

    She tilted her head to the side, surveying him carefully. "I mean, if you want. Did Danny give you drugs already or something-"

    "Nah, I just want to kiss you."

    Oli smirked as Lucy's eyes widened. "Let me," he requested, eyes unable to stray from her lips, "Please."

    She shook her head slightly, but leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss him.

    Oli had thought about it a lot, and he reckoned she had too. It was everything he'd imagined and better. Maybe it didn't last that long, and maybe she was only fifteen, and maybe she could smell the brussels sprouts on his breath but it confirmed Oli's belief that they were forever.

    Thank fuck for Christmas and baby Jesus and all that shit.

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