Chapter 23

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Chapter 23- Oli

Oli wasn't sure if he'd ever felt this nervous before. And that was saying something, considering he'd sat his music A level just over a week ago without having opened a single textbook.

"Mate, chill," Mat snorted, coming to stand next to Oli in the mirror. "You look just as fucking ugly as you normally do."

"Cheers," Oli shoved his friend. "I'm just so fucking- ugh-!"

Mat snickered.

"God, I just don't know how she's gonna take this. Like, she's always been supportive of the band and shit, but like this tour..."

"Oli, you're overthinking," Mat slapped his shoulder, somewhat comfortingly, "She'll make a great groupie."

"Fuck you and fuck your mum," Oli muttered, pushing past Mat to sit on the bed. "It's just come out of nowhere, like, the band only fully came into existence in March when we met Curtis."

"Yeah, and now it's July and we're signed to a record label, and it doesn't matter that we fucked our A levels and we're touring the country with some American band- The Blue Chord or whatever."

"The Red Chord," Oli corrected, foreseeing fights if his mates couldn't even get the other band's name right.

"Whatever," Mat waved his hand dismissively. "Look, dude, it's Lucy. Partying every night at different destinations all over the UK? Could not think of a better summer holiday plan. She'll have the time of her life, and then you'll be the one worrying that she's cheating on you."

Oli grinned at that. "Nah, when we first break up it will definitely be my fault. But I'll win her back by being a rich, superfamous rockstar."

"If you've got the relationship all planned out, I don't understand why you're being such a pussy about going on a date to the playground, of all places."

"You think I should've suggested somewhere nice? Like Pizza Express or summat?"

"No, you should've taken her to Nando's," Mat rolled his eyes, "Fucksake Oli, how are you the one with a girlfriend? Pizza Express? Nice?"

"It is nice!"

"Not the place you take your girlfriend. Playground's fine, just make sure the sandwiches are nice."

"Sandwiches?" Oli frowned, "I just bought chocolate."

"You're fucked. Enjoy her while you can."


"Oh my god, I love this chocolate so much, fuck me," Lucy moaned.

"Later," Oli half-joked, watching her with a gleam of amusement in his expression. She looked so pretty in the sunset.

They were sitting comfortably on a little grassy slope, observing the empty playground. It was nearly 10pm, too late for the children which usually populated the area, but still light. Oli could hear a party going on somewhere off to his right.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

Oli took her hand, interlocking their fingers. He paused, trying to think of how to word it.

"We're going on tour," he said, eventually, "And you're coming with us."

Oli wasn't quite sure what he'd expected but the sharp intake of breath followed by a forceful hug seemed like a good sign.

"Oh my god, I'm so proud of you, fuck," Lucy kissed his cheek, making Oli blush slightly. He couldn't stop smiling.

"You'll come?"

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