Chapter 15

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Chapter 15- Oli

Kind of smutty (maybe, not sure)

"You're such an arsehole!"


"You, Oliver Sykes, are a massive, hairy fucking arsehole!"

Oli stared at his best friend, totally bewildered. "What did I do?"


"I didn't do Lucy!" he protested, "We were just sharing a bed 'cause she's upset about something or another, and I know I was with her all half-term, but she's been really stressed out and-"

"Not that, Jesus Christ," Mat Nicholls swore. "God, you're actually fucking unbelievable."

Oli let his gaze drift from Mat's enraged features to the floor-to-ceiling window of the art classroom. His reflection looked tired, but fairly sober, which Oli reckoned was pretty fucking lame considering how wasted he had been just a week earlier. He still didn't understand why Danny had stopped giving him drugs.

"What?" Oli tried again. "I know it's Lucy's birthday, I left flowers and chocolate with her mum."

"It's not that!" Mat sighed. "Well, it's partly that. It's just- fuck it, she's in love with you."

"Lucy?" Oli frowned, clutching his sketchbook closer to his chest. "Yeah, I know."

"What- you know? You're just gonna, gonna fucking Han Solo her poor pretty arse?"

Oli's head was hurting too much for this conversation, and he was craving a smoke. Unfortunately, Jordan had been too preoccupied with his girlfriend last night to bring him any more pot.

"I'm not Han Solo," he offered, "And please stop looking at her arse. I just, I know she loves me, because I love her too, and one day we're gonna get married. But, why is this, why are you, I don't understa-"

"For fuck's sake, Sykes," Mat practically growled. "She has been so fucking upset for over a week now. You've kissed her five times, but you're too much of a pussy to ask her out or even to fuck her. It's pathetic, and it's making her sad."

"I- I didn't think she wanted to go out with me," Oli said sluggishly, feeling like he was wading through treacle, "She won't let me fuck her, 'cause she thinks I'm too out of it to give consent, which is bullshit, 'cause I'll always feel out of it when she's practically sitting on my cock-"

"Then why don't you fucking tell her that? I mean, it's gross, but she'd probably think it romantic or some shit."

Oli snorted at that, grinning at the thought of all the shades of red he could turn Lucy's cheeks by letting her know exactly how he felt when they were kissing. "To be honest, mate, I'm not too sure about fucking her, 'cause she's been kind of sad lately."

"She's stressed from her mock exams," Mat stated emphatically, "The same mock exams that we have this week and next week, but seriously, you need to fuck it out of her. Sex will make her better."

Oli smirked at his reflection. He wanted to sleep with her, he wanted to date her, fuck, he wanted to marry her, but really, he wasn't sure if now was the right time.

"She's also a bit upset about the whole drug thing," Mat commented. "That's why I asked Danny to stop giving you shit, which was super difficult, believe me, but I convinced him that it would make Lucy happy so..."

"What?" Oli felt cold, and then hot. "You're the reason Danny stopped selling to me?"

"Mate..." Mat looked wary, and raised his hands in defence, "Mate, we were all worried about you! Like, not even Jordan smokes as much as you were! And, you know Lucy was all upset and shit."

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