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An awkward silence filled the room.

All of a sudden Aslan wished that it would have been better if he would have simply denied breakfast and gone home.

Although the continued insistance of Mrs.Khan had made him take this decision,which he now regretted.

''So...Ms.Khan...hows everything at college?''Aslan spoke breaking the grim silence.

''All good.''She replied as she sipped her coffee.

The whole household loves coffee... Aslan thought.

''Aliyah...that would do.''she added.

''Oh..okay.Then you should also know what I'm known as.'' Aslan said in an attempt to lighten the mood.

''Aslan.Thats what they call me.'' he further added but without any emotion this time.

''Lion.Isn't that the meaning of your name...?''she asked giving him a sideways glance while she helped herself to another toast.

''Er...Yeah.''he answered in an amused tone.

''What does your name mean?''curiosity dancing in his eyes,he asked like an inquisitive child.

Immediately he regretted that...& obviously,his very enthused tone wasn't helping.

A long silence followed.

Quickly Aslan spoke up trying to compensate by saying that it was no big deal if she didn't know...but she replied.

''To ascend,arise...the high and exalted one.'' she said as though in deep thought.

''Aliyah...may I ask you something?''Aslan asked with a sudden change in the air around him.

''Yes?''Aliyah asked carefully.

''Oh...its nothing...just wondering how come both you,Zara and Khan...I mean Zayd,share the same last name...'' he voiced his thoughts placing his empty cup on the table and turning slightly in her direction.

''Yeah I get that a lot from people....we are distant relatives... my & Zara's family and Zayd's have been buisness aquaintances too.'' she answered informatively.

''I see...''he replied nodding to her and getting up at the same time from the stool.

''Guess its my cue to leave then...I enjoyed having breakfast here.Thank Zara for me.Also I know Khan...I mean Zayd asked me to wait but I've left my phone in his car plus I gotta hurry home 'cuz-''

''Yes?? someone trynna run away without telling me?'' Zayd's voice boomed in the room as he entered the kitchen.

''Ah...no just in a hurry.Gotta go home and do some unattended chores too...''he replied awkwardly putting his hand in his pant pocket.

''Alrighty...lets go then...''Khan said walking towards the door.

Aslan moved from his spot near the stool where Aliyah had now finished with breakfast.

''So...bye Aliyah.Pleasure meeting you...''Aslan gave a warm smile and extended his hand to shake.

''Yeah,you too Aslan...''she shook his hand after wiping it with a napkin.The faintest hint of a smile on her face.

''Ooh...so you guys are on a first name basis? Thats cutee~''Zara said as she entered the kitchen too.

''Gods...so cheesy this woman.''Aliyah added disconcerened.

''Whatever...you know,this Aliyah girl here is a big time introvert...I'm glad you are helping Aslan!'' Zara told Aslan enthusiastically ignoring a now glaring Aliyah.

''Oh..anytime.''Aslan added sheepishly.

''Aw...comeon Zara,your embarassing our poor Nol.''Khan spoke as he waited till Aslan was biding everyone a 'thankyou &  bye' for his stay.

''You don't need to come back Zayd.Goodbye.''Aliyah retorted with a heavily sarcastic smile.

Although for Aslan,seeing her smile was different.

He admired her differentness.

Mrs Khan gave him a warm hug bringing him back from his thoughts saying a ''see ya soon''and so both he and Zayd moved towards the large main door of the hall.

''I'm gonna drop you.'' Zayd said as they neared the door.

''Eh..yeah..''Aslan agreed hesitantly.

Although as Zayd opened the door...a big giant wave of wind swept them,making them half wet & bringing huge amounts of water in the house.

''What the...''both Aslan and Zayd hissed in unison.

Utter amusement on both their partially wet faces.

Instead of stepping out of the doorstep Aslan stood in the corridor confused.

Behind him Aliyah had plopped down on the sofa watching news.

The reporter women was saying something about bad weather affecting the farms while the headlines read: 'DUE TO BAD WEATHER SCHOOLS,COLLEGES & OFFICES closed...citizens are strictly advised to stay home at any cost.'

The climate which had been a bright and fresh Saturday morning had suddenly turned into a very dangerously raging storm.

Dark clouds were going on filling the sky,untill it became completely gray as though night had already fallen.

Trees were swaying wildly in the mansion gardens and those outside on the sides of the roads.

''Damn...looks like a cyclone to me.'' Zayd said tensely looking at Aslan in a troubled manner.

''We'll have to work online for office from monday...since the news says that weather forcast indicates a continous  heavy rain for nearly a week.'' Zayd had his hands on his waist and stood in the doorway thinking and looking outside.

''Yeah...we'll pull that off,but what about me?...how should I go home now!''A very bewildered Aslan asked Khan in a troubled tone.

''I was expecting that...but no worries.'' smirking slightly in amusment Khan pulled Aslan back from the entrance door and motioned him to go and sit on the hall sofa and closed the big doors behind him.

''I think you already know the answer.''


Extremely sorry for the extremely late update.
*smiles innocently*
okay dearest readers my sincerest apologies for this though I still expect you to vote on my chapters if possible Pleaseeee~~~.
Hoping that you still find my work readable and suspense filled.
Please do like my chapters...
& with that...

See ya next week!! :)


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