4. Baby

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Alex's POV

Ally was rubbing my ears gently, and it made me feel a lot better. I felt his head rest on top of mine, so I nuzzled my face closer into his chest. How could I tell him? How could I tell anyone? I can't just risk our relationship like that, but he deserves to know. Christ, I haven't even had the courage to tell my own soulmate.

I drew back out of my brother's lap before turning back to Ash, and I beckoned him down the hallway. I sprinted out of the room, and I could hear him behind me giving chase. Everyone was diving out of my way because of my wolf's size, but I didn't care since my sights were set on my bedroom.

Once I reached it, I shifted back into my human form and put on my clothes before Ash could come in. "Damn it," he muttered right behind me, "I missed the best part." I felt his arms circle around my waist, and I subconsciously leaned my head back onto his shoulder. My body is definitely still responding to him which is pretty good.

"Ash can I tell you something?" I asked, and he looked at me with a lot of concern.

"Anything, baby. Unless you're cheating on me."

"No, no of course not! I swear it's better than that! I need to grab something, I'll be right back."

I ran into the bathroom and pulled the item I had hidden out of the secret medicine cabinet. I took it into my fist before walking back into the bedroom. "What are you keeping from me?" Ash whispered to himself.

"Sit down on the bed," I commanded, and he followed the instructions. "Do you promise not to hate me?"

"Of course, Alex. I never could."

I grabbed his hand and flipped at over gently before pressing the item into his hand. Then, I flipped his hand back over and slowly drew mine away. I saw the curiosity alight in his icy blue gaze, and he slowly turned his palm around before opening it.

"Is this for real?" he questioned in shock.

"Yes, Ash. I'm dead serious," I replied.


I was on edge for rejection, but instead he launched at me so hard that the chair I was in flipped backwards and we landed on the floor. "Do you like it?"

"Like it? Baby I love it." Ash's weight was kind of squishing me a little bit, but I ignored it because of how happy he was. His eyes were extremely bright, but his smile was brighter. "How long have you known?"

"About a month... I was really nervous," I admitted.

His hands skimmed over my stomach, and he murmured, "How did I not notice before? You're starting to show."

"Am I? Is anyone else going to notice?" I asked frantically.

"Why are you so worried about?"

"What if my dad gets upset?"

"I'm sure that he's well past that stage in his life," Ashton reassured.

"You think I should tell him?"

"I think you should."

I finally pushed him off before pulling him up behind me. Once we were standing together, I pushed my face into the nook of his neck and inhaled slightly. "Let's go find my brother first as a bit of a probation round," I suggested.

Ash nodded at me before dragging me down the hallway. Everyone was staring at us, but that was probably because Ash doesn't smile very often. I knocked on the door to my office, and even though no one responded, I opened it anyway. When I looked up, my brother was trapped underneath his soulmate trying to wriggle free.

"VICTOR!" I screeched before leaping across the room onto his back. I shoved him roughly onto the ground while a savage growl tore from my throat. "Do you have a death wish!"

"I can't help it! The bond won't set-"

"I don't care about your bond; you hit my brother! If you honestly expect me to allow you to be in my sights after that, you are sorely mistaken!" I heard Ash rush out of the room, but I didn't acknowledge the sound. "I would rip your throat out right this second if it wouldn't hurt Ally too!"

"Overprotective brother much," Vic whispered to himself, but I heard it and snarled once more.

Suddenly, I heard a door slam open, and I smelt my beta and his mate. If they take his side, I think I will lose it. I felt someone pull me back off of Vic, and I moved violently from side to side to lose the contact. Suddenly, I was pulled up against a chest, and I heard my soulmate whisper, "Stop. You're going to hurt the baby," into my ear. He's playing my weaknesses! I stopped moving around so violently and leant myself onto him the rest of the way.

"Why are you here, Vic. I told you not to return until our groups have united," Marcus snapped at his second in command.

"I needed to get my soulmate back," he admitted. He had a tendency to shrink under Marc's gaze, but I assumed that was only because Marc was socially superior to him while I was his natural enemy.

"So you did that by coming here and pissing off the Alpha wolf? Are you dull?"

"The Alpha wolf was keeping me from my soulmate!"

"Victor, you need to get out of the kid's grill! If I was babied 24/7 by Winston none of us would be here right now! Now go back to South Carolina or I'll drag you there myself!"

Vic left the room with his metaphorical tail between his legs, and I finally felt my shoulders untense. "Thank you," Ash told the beta pair, and they ended up leaving. "Now that that's out of the way, tell Ally what you were going to say," he prompted.

I walked forward until I could sit next to Ally on the couch. "Ally, can I tell you something?" I asked.

"Hmm?" he acknowledged.

"Ally... I'm expecting Ash's child," I murmured. His arms hugged me tightly almost as soon as I said those words, and I could faintly hear him talking about how happy he was for me. However, something felt slightly off to me all of the sudden. "Does anyone else feel that?"

"What?" the other two asked in unison.

"Something isn't right. I don't know what it is, but there's just something off about this place right now."

"Now that you say it, I can feel it too," Ash declared.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, and one of the border guards ran in. "We have intruders on the Western border, Alpha!"

"Western... That's Kailey. Take me there," I snapped before following him. Once I got closer to the scene, I saw a hostile looking vampire in the center of a circle of pack warriors. I shifted into my sandy colored wolf before approaching the circle and shoving my way into it. As soon as I saw who it was, I snarled lowly.


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