30. Flames

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Ally's POV

Today is it; we're either going to get out or be stuck in here. "Do you all have what you need?" Marc confirmed, and we all nodded our heads in response. "Plan A is a go."

We all slid the metal off of our wrists before slowly sliding the bedroom door open. Marc poked his head out of the door to check the perimeter, and once it was clear, we slid into the shadowy hallway. The only light was the moon, but it wasn't so bright we would be seen.

Marc slipped into one of the offices, and the click of the lighter could be heard just a little bit. I'm sure it was only loud to us because we needed to be as quiet as possible, but I still flinched. The flame reflected in Marc's eyes, and he only hesitated for a few seconds before lighting the stack of papers on fire. He immediately ran back out of the room, and we moved as quickly and quietly as we could towards the exit. When we were just about to burst out, the flames turned the corner of the main hallway. The bright light reflected into Vic's hair and gave it a dangerous tint, but we had to keep moving.

We ran down the stairs, but Ash came to a sudden stop right at the top. When I turned around, one of the vampire leaders had her hand firmly on his collar, and it wasn't coming loose no matter how hard he fought. "Go!"

Vic grabbed my bicep, and we ran into the tree line. Ash was still desperately scratching and biting at the top of the stairs, and the flames were beginning to lick up the side of the building. Suddenly, the fire must have reached the gas pipe, and the house exploded in on itself. "Ashton!" I screamed over the loud noise, but I was being pulled on through the woods.

"Come on, Ally. We need to get across the border." Vic's face was also filled with sorrow, but unlike me, he wasn't hysterical. Unlike me, he didn't have horrible memories of flames taking everything from him. I allowed his hand on my back to guide me home, but I still felt the loss. Hearing this would surely break my brother's heart.

As soon as we crossed the border, we were leapt on by the border guards, and I got the sense that tensions are high between Half Moon and Harsin.

"Oh shit, someone get Alpha!" one of the guards exclaimed. I'll admit, I was shocked that alpha was Winston, but that was the least of my worries. Where is Alex?

We were lead into the pack house, and I was sort of shocked by seeing my reflection in passing. My hair was singed from the fire and explosion, and my entire body was covered in filth. I was hugged from behind, and I turned around to see my father suddenly caring about my well being. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Where's Alex?" We both inquired at the same time, and my panic grew.

"I thought he was with you!"

"Well I thought he was here."

"Alright girls, you're both pretty," Jackson interjected. "Why are you burned?"

"We lit the house on fire."

"You say that so casually."

"Not my first rodeo. You act like I've never been in captivity and had to escape before."

I could see how sorry he was in his gaze, but I chose to ignore the hurt expression. I won't just ignore the fact that I spent 4 years of my life in a basement. "Please tell me you at least have Ashton."

I choked on my spit, and tears started to come to my eyes when I thought about him. "Uhhh..."

"Where the hell is he!?" I backed up against Vic to find some sort of safety, but the expression on Jackson's face made my heart slam against my ears. Vic's arms enveloped me, and I heard him give a warning hiss to back off. I thought about how his death is my fault. If I had never gotten one of those stupid bracelets, they could have gone ahead with their first plan that didn't involve burning down a house. It's my fault that my childhood home burned down too. I was the dumbass 13 year old who decided to play with matches, and I ended up killing my stepfather. While he was a druggie, he still fed me and gave me a shelter, and I should have been more grateful for that.

"On that note, I'm bringing him upstairs." Vic lead me down the hallways, and I had most of my body weight leant onto him. I was physically and emotionally exhausted, and I just need to get away from the little meet and greet.

Once we were firmly in my room, I collapsed into my bed. "Talk to me, Ally. What are you feeling."

"My brother is one of the only people in this world that I trust, and no one knows where he is. I got to watch fire destroy my life again! I missed 4 years of my teenage experience to a stupid vampire dick holding me in a basement! Do I need to go on?"

"Tell me about he first fire."

"I was 13, and at that time, playing with fire was the best thing to do. I stole my dad's matches, and I was busy trying to light it. I didn't notice that my fingers were too close to the top until the spark burnt my fingers. I dropped the match onto the carpet, and that shit went up in flames. My dad was passed out from drinking too much on the couch, and I was too weak to carry him out of the burning house. He died, and I was out on the streets to run from foster care."

"I'm so sorry that happened to you."

When I searched Vic's eyes, I saw his love for me, but there was also pity in the swirling irises. My face subconsciously got closer to his until his breath tickled my face. He caved, and his hand crashed my lips against his. My eyes fluttered closed, and I let my instincts take over the whole kissing thing. With his fingers tangled in my locks, my whole body was alight with the flames of lust.

My head tilted back to give him more leverage, and his sweet taste was driving me over the edge. His hands pushed me back against the sheets, and I allowed the same hands to slide underneath my shirt. He grabbed my bottom lip between his teeth before tugging gently, so I let out a pleasured moan.

When his tongue brushed my lips, I allowed him to enter my mouth gratefully. The pure bliss rushing up and down my body made me want– no, crave– more. When his kiss switched from my mouth to my neck, I knew where this was going. I'm so ready for this. I can't get enough of his scent, his taste. Vic had become a drug, and I'm hopelessly addicted. Everything about him was drawing me in, and I already knew that this would be the best night of my life. No matter the fact that Alex was still missing and that Ash is probably dead, I was happy with my soulmate. I need him.

Sorry I'm really bad at writing kissing scenes.

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