5. Protection

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Antony's POV

I could feel it deep down in my soul. My wolf is howling loudly, and I couldn't figure out why I was feeling this way. I stalked through the woods while following the sensation in my gut, and soon I came to a small clearing. Once I passed the treeline, I felt the sense in my stomach explode, and when I turned around, I caught sight of my son's wolf sprinting.

I followed his scent to find a figure in the center of a lot of pack warriors. When the sunlight shifted just right, my heart soared higher than the clouds. In the center of the circle was my very favorite black haired brown eyes person in the world. He was backing slowly away from the growling wolves, and I couldn't mistake the blazing fear in his eyes. The breeze carried his sweet scent towards me, and my wolf was purring in my head.

Suddenly, I saw my son's wolf stalk out of the treeline with a loud snarl. Jackson began to shake slightly while the ginormous alpha wolf was stalking towards him, and my heart cried out for him. Before I could find a way to stop myself, I cried, "Stop!" at the top of my lungs.

Every head in the clearing whipped towards my cry except for Jackson's which was still staring warily at my son. Speaking of Alex, he took one more glance at Jackson before looking back at me with narrowed eyes. I mouthed the word please at him, and I saw him reluctantly call off the pack warriors. They looked at him strangely, but followed their alpha when he walked away from the situation.

What I'm about to do will either enhance or totally destroy my relationship with Jackson. I approached his figure slowly from behind, and when I was almost directly behind him, I felt a strike of fear rush through my veins. "Are you okay?" I stammered nervously.

He jerked around to stare at me in shock. I saw him take a few frightened steps backwards before tripping on the tall grass and landing on his butt. The amount of fear lingering in his beautiful chocolate eyes made my chest feel heavy, and I swiftly crouched down so that I wasn't towering over him. "Why did you stop them?"

"What kind of person do you take me as?"

"Do you want me to answer that honestly?"

"Of course I do."

"I see you as an indecisive man that doesn't even realize what he has before he throws himself into other situations. I think that you have some serious mental control issues that you need to feel superior in any and all situations."

"I know I've been a bad person, but–"

"There isn't a but on that sentence. You are a bad person, Antony Canfield. I'm getting tired of constantly being bothered one way or another."

"Well I hate to break it to you, but you kind of have to deal with me. Not only are we mated, but our children are as well."

"I don't care who's mated to who! You've hurt me so many times, Tony! I tried to trust you. I tried to ignore my instincts that you weren't good for me, but I've just ended up damaged over and over and over again. I've tried, Antony, and I'm too tired to keep going."

"Jacky, I'm not asking you to try again. I want you to let me make an effort for you. I want you in my life because I realized how much of an idiot I've been."

"I don't think I can forgive you for how much you ruined my life. Go away, Antony."

"Right... If you ever want to talk, I'll be there for you."

I reluctantly stood up and began to walk away. With every step I took, I could feel my wolf pacing and becoming more restless in my mind. I heard his whimpering, and he was constantly trying to take control of my body so that I would turn back. "Hush, Des. He needs space," I scolded into my mind.

"He's hurting just as much as you are! Go back!"

"I can't, he–"

"Wait!" Jackson called out. I spun on the balls of my feet instantly, and by the hand he has slapped over his face, he wasn't expecting his outburst either. "Come here."

I moved towards him until I was in front of him once more. The sun was beginning to set, and the chilly February air began to settle deeply into my bones, but I chose to ignore it. His face was even more entrancing than I had recalled it. I allowed my eyes to roam over his sharp jawline to his adorable, slightly tiny, nose up until I reached his eyes. I felt myself begin drowning in the memories the brown orbs brought me.

"It's nice to meet you!" a cheerful voice shouted at me while I was on the way to my next class.

I turned around until I was met with a black haired boy that had a huge smile. "Um... Hi?"

"My name is Jackson, what's yours?"

"I'm Antony."

"Well you're my friend now!"


"Tony, thanks for bringing me here. The stars are really pretty," Jackson told me. We were at the top of the largest hill in the city. Both of us were currently running from our parents for a small break, so we ended up with each other. "Can I tell you something?"


"I kind of... Tony I like you. As more that a friend."

I turned my head towards the boy that I had always noticed was very beautiful. I had seen that aspect of him the first day that I had talked to him. "I think I like you too."

I pulled him closer against my body and leaned forward until my lips brushed up against his. When I pulled back slightly, my eyes met his, and I smiled boldly.


Tears were glowing in my eyes when I looked at him. This boy... It was all his doing. He was the reason that my father had kicked me out! “This is your fault. It’s your fault that I don’t have a home to go back to. I don’t want you in my life anymore, Jackson, so just leave me alone,” I screeched before running away from him while crying uncontrollably.


"I don't know why, Antony. I don't know why my body is drawing me towards you; telling me to forget all about what you've done. To be honest, I don't want to forget. I do not trust you even in the slightest."

"It's the bond. It messes with me, too. More than you would know."

"As much as it calls me to, I just can't. I can't love you again. Either you'll hurt me or I'll hurt you. It's bound to happen. Forget about me, Tony."

"I don't have that function. I can't; no, I won't. I won't forget you! You can't make me!"

"Then suffer the heartache as I leave you here to protect both of our futures."

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