18. Fight for Freedom: Part 2

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Alex's POV

When I finally woke up, it was from a loud noise. I tried to get up and walk towards the window, but I was stopped by chains on my wrists. All I could hear was a lot of growling, and I could easily smell the familiar aroma of my pack. Suddenly, the door on my room was kicked in, and I felt the power flare in my stomach at the threat. When my head jerked to the side, there was a middle-aged man staring back at me. I could see the knife pressed into his hand, so I growled lowly at the presence.

The man walked slowly towards me, and as he got closer, the racket I was making became increasingly louder. As soon as he got close enough that I could bite, I was grabbed around the neck and pulled against the back wall. I felt the chill of the knife burning against my throat, but the power in my stomach was refusing to release itself. Every time I fidgeted, the blade was pressing closer to killing me.

The fighting was in the pack house by now, and I found myself praying that my pack wouldn't get too hurt. Suddenly, my brother appeared into the room, and my eyes widened at the sight of him. There was a smear of blood on his cheek, his shirt had been torn off so I could see the wide claw mark across his chest, and his eyes were widened at the sight of my current predicament.

One step closer and the boy gets it," knife man threatened lowly.

"You will release him!"

"No I will not! Do you actually expect me to let go of someone this valuable? We just have to figure out how to squeeze the magic from his pitiful body and our alpha can become all powerful!"

Suddenly, I saw Ally pull out a mini throwing knife that I had a copy of. It had been a gift from my mother all the way back when times weren't this hard, and I was surprised that Ally still had it after everything he had been through. The little weapon swirled around his fingers before being launched at the man holding onto me. At the impact, he let out a quiet 'oof' sound, and I was released as his body fell to the side lifeless.

Ally rushed forward before gripping my two wrists tightly to pick the locks on my chains. As soon as I was able to, I latched my arms around my savior with a broad smile pasted on my face.

"I need to find Ash." When I tried to stand up, I swayed slightly. I didn't realize that the pain earlier was going to have this much of an effect on me.

"It's okay, he's going to be gotten by the other warriors."

"I don't care, I need to find him."

"Alex, you need a doctor. I won't allow you to go risk your life for Ash when you're hurt!" I don't need a doctor, I'm fine! This thing is that he might not be, and I didn't want to live to see him dead. My kids need their father!

However, it appeared that I wouldn't get a choice when I was being dragged by Allystar towards the exit of the house. At that moment, I saw my chance when a silvery wolf leapt at my brother. I whipped my knife out of my back pocket and plunged it into the wolf's side before moving as quickly as I possibly could towards the place I recalled the prison being. When I descended the stairs, I saw that my pack was already trying to burst in, but there was a huge barrier of enemies. Suddenly, the alpha appeared with Ash's black hair in his hand and shouted, "Is this what you're looking for."

All of the movement stopped, and I saw the stupid Alpha's other hand go onto the opposite side of Ash's jaw so that he was prepared to snap his neck. I slid through the group of both familiar and unfamiliar faces until I was close to the front, and my heart broke when I saw Ash's eyes. My beautiful blue eyes were broken and cold, and I could see the defeat swirling in his dark red irises.

My heart was crying out for him, but I knew that I had to wait for my moment. I could feel the power in the pit of my stomach once more slowly charging to its full power, and it began to rise up even more when the Alpha's hands got into the right position to kill Ash.

"Damien, stop!" a man who looked slightly younger than my father commanded.

"You can't do anything about this, Zayne. I have learned that the only way to extract the magic from the other one is to remove this boy from the living."

The blue glow was swirling around my fingers, and I allowed my hands to aim themselves at the other alpha. I read it on his face when he was just about to kill my soulmate, and I shot the blue out of my fingers to attack the alpha. Fighting resumed around me, but I fought my way through the thick conflict until I could reach Ash's position on the floor.

Once my fingers grabbed his arms, I was thrown back by a blow to the chest. I jerked my way onto my feet until I was face to face with the man that had been ruining my life for the past three days. A savage growl tore from my throat, and I could hear Mr. Big Bad Alpha chuckling at me. He hit me once on the nose hard enough that my blood was pouring onto the floor, but I struck him back square in the chest. While the man was still recovering, I put another hit directly on his lip that left him spitting out two front teeth. Our fighting was continuing back and forth with no winner until his beta joined in by his side. Suddenly, I was outnumbered and still slightly injured, so my attacks were starting to become weaker.

In that moment, I felt another presence by my side, and I realized that Ash was fighting beside me. I ducked under a well aimed punch by the beta before sending a well aimed kick into his ribs. When I turned my head slightly to check on my soulmate, he was hit on the head hard enough that I internally groaned for him.

Since I was distracted, I was also struck roughly on the shoulder hard enough to land on my ass under the watchful gaze of the beta. I backed up until I could feel strangely thick bars on my back. I heard my father shout, "Kick his ass!" pretty loudly from my right, and I managed to stand up and keep fighting.

Without warning, blue tendrils shot out of my fingers and slammed the beta hard enough against the opposite wall that he blacked out. I turned to do the same to the alpha when I felt my blood run cold...

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