33. Alpha Training

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Ally's POV

"No, it's the Deminshire Pack!" my father reprimanded, and I slapped my book closed before slamming it against my head. Now I understand why alphas are trained from such a young age; this sucks!

"Where even is that!?"

"They're our southern neighbors from Florida! They have a membership of about 100 wolves, and they're neutral towards us. If we do something stupid, they'll become our enemies, but if we share a goal they could become our allies!"

"Why is this so hard!?"

"Well maybe if your mother didn't suppress you from your real life, this would have happened over a longer period, but you're going to have to get over it! In case you haven't noticed, we're in a crisis! Winston isn't designed to lead, and you're the only other person who has alpha blood in this pack!"

"I think we need to take a break."

"There are no breaks in the middle of a battle; you can't just go stop and pee whenever you feel pressure! Open your book again and take notes!"

"I just mean that if I have to deal with you for a single second longer, there's going to be a homicide investigation!"

"Stability is an important trait of a leader! You can't just kill someone for giving you certain standards!"

I stood up from my chair before throwing my hands onto the desk in front of me. "Watch me! I haven't slept in 2 days, I'm fucking starving, and I'm tired of looking at your face for hours on end! I will take a small break and you will watch me!" The chair I had previously been on was your typical office chair with wheels, and now it was halfway across the room knocked over.

"Yes! That. There. Attitude of an Alpha!"

"Is my frustration a lesson to you?"


"We'll reconvene after I go let Victor talk me down from hurting you."

I stormed out of office, and I could see people leaping out of my way. It's currently 9:00 at night, and I've been in that room since 9:00am two days ago with no interaction except for my hard ass father who seems to use information overload as a way to teach. When I forced the door to our bedroom, it smacked the wall hard enough to leave a dent in the wall even though there was a door slam thingy on the bottom. I don't know exactly what those metal things are called, I just know that they make a really loud noise when you flick it with your toe.

Vic looked up at me in shock, but I had already ran across the room to lay on his chest. My muscles relaxed when his finger combed through my hair, and sure enough my anger was dissipating. "I don't know what he did, but talk to me about it."

"There was too much information, and I was just getting really fed up. I had been in there for 60 hours with no sleep, little food, and as much water as I could fit into a bottle, and the only thing I got to look at was my notes and his face. I guess I sort of lost it, but then he used that as a lesson and I really lost it. Sorry about the wall."

"It's alright. Trust me, I know that when you get mad, you get hysterical. Let's get you some food and sleep, and you can try it again tomorrow. Stay here."

I curled up underneath the covers and felt my tense body aching from sitting in that chair for forever, and I would have to convince Vic to give me a massage again later. This isn't the first time I've had to deal with my father thinking I'm a workaholic like him, but I have gotten strangely used to it. My wonderful mate came back in with a pretty large meal, and I began devouring it as soon as it touched my lap. Vic's hand rubbed my back while I pigged out in front of him, but the awkwardness between us had dropped significantly after the night we shared. I was less afraid to be me, and he clearly didn't mind my true personality.

Only about five minutes later, I handed him back my clean plate with a sheepish smile, and I had a kiss placed on my lips before he went to go clean up the dish. He returned with a gallon of water, and I took huge mouthfuls of the liquid. Vic really knows how to take care of me when I get like this; it's endearing.

I felt his fingers press into my tense shoulders, and I moaned at the soothing sensation. As he continued, I felt my eyes begin drooping, and the water was taken from my grip. My head dipped onto his shoulder, and I allowed myself to slide deeper. Just when I was about to blank out, the door slammed open again. "There's been an emergency!"

I immediately bolted back into a true sitting position, and I slurred, "What happened?"

"We were patrolling around the ruins of the Harsin Mansion, and our men discovered someone sitting on the stairs. We are awaiting instructions to either attack or apprehend the trespasser, but your father said it was your job now."

"I guess we're taking a field trip." I stood up on unsteady legs and threw on my shoes before following the guard through the woods. The nights were definitely becoming much warmer now, but it still wasn't hot enough for me to be comfortable. Halfway through our journey, my father joined our little group, but I knew he wouldn't be doing anything to actually help me. He would probably not even bail me out unless my actions were a serious threat to the pack. I'm sure he just came along to watch and observe so that he could yell at my decision later.

When we reached the clearing, sure enough there was a figure on the steps. "We should move our party so that we can't be smelt by him. Right now, we could be scented at the tiniest wind change." While we were moving, I thought I heard something strange, and I raised a fist to stop the party. My heart was hammering in my chest at the exhilaration of calling the shots, but I had to listen through it to see if I could catch what I thought I heard again. Nothing came, and I gestured for the group to shift again until the wind was blowing exactly into my face.

My eyes narrowed in to see through the darkness, but I was too far away to see anything in just the moonlight. "I'm going to try and get a little bit closer. Stay here, but be prepared to fight in case this is a trap."

I slid through the grass slowly until I reached the back of the ruin. In the silence of night, a baby's cry could be heard, and there was a tired male voice cooing to keep the child silenced. His eyes swept around the wood, but he somehow didn't see my position before he went back to rocking his baby.

I slowly crawled across the destroyed building while taking care to stay out of view, but one of my feet caught on a stone to send it tumbling. I dropped my weight down, but when the figure turned to me, I felt my jaw drop down. "Alex?"

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