Chapter 5

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*Athena's pov*

I tried pushing Cameron off of me and he fell on top of me. I swear if one of the guys saw, they would think the opposite. I stared at Cameron's eyes and he stared back, they were a dark shade of brown, but they looked nice on him. Then, I started blushing like crazy and I noticed Cameron was blushing too. Then, he got off of me and we sat away from each other. I glanced at him and I bit my lip. Cameron kept looking at me, like if he was checking me out? As I waited for Cameron to stop staring, I thought about him.

I remember being Cameron's best friend before Nash. Cameron was nice, caring, down to Earth, a huge gentleman like his mom said, and he was a huge clown!!! He would always find the stupidest way to do something. He is so funny and amazing, I felt sad when he started hanging out with Nash more than me, but Cash is awesome. Not only his personality is amazing, his looks are incredible.

I looked at him, his hair is just words I can't describe, and his lips are just so kissable. And his body is really well built, like his abs and muscles are incredible. And his smile, my favorite thing about Cameron. His smile is just perfect. I never knew how amazing Cameron is, I honestly just could kiss him right now, I think i'm falling for Cam-

"NO!" I thought loudly as come back to the real world

"Umm...Athena, why did you scream no?" Cameron asked as he comes closer

"Oh, I just taught of something of stupid actually and yea.." I said

"Oh okay, by the way, everyone is getting ready to leave so let's pack up" Cameron explained as he got up

"By the way, do you think anyone saw what happened??" I ask as embarrassed as I can be

"I hope not or we got a lot of explaining to do" Cameron laughed

I got up and started packing my stuff and carry it to the limo. Everybody started racing each other, I almost ended up last but Shawn really needs to stop being lazy sometimes. I pack my stuff in the trunk and I got in the limo and sat down. I heard Matt and Cam laughing as they come behind me.

His laugh was very adorable and like no other. I need to stop thinking about him, but I just can't. I think i'm actually falling for Cam. But, I know he will never like me, I mean look at me like a train wreck. He's never going to fall in love with his, I know he's going to break my heart like my last ex, Austin. I fell in love with and as he did with me, we dated and on our one year anniversary, I can remember it like it was yesterday.

We were supposed to go to Manny's restaurant. He didn't showed up and he cheated on me, so we broke up. I know the same mistake will happened with Cam. I glanced at him, no he wouldn't he's so sweet and caring, and I know he won't hurt me at all. 

But I always end up getting hurt at the end. I'll rather not take that chance, a lot of bad things can happened. Fans could hurt me way more, he cheats on me, he lost feelings for me or never had feelings. The possiblites were endless.

I got up to sit with Matt and Carter until I see black spots everywhere and I fell down while everything was turning black.

"ATHENA!!!" the last words I hear someone scream

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