Chapter 10

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*Athena's pov*

I woke up with Mahogany somehow, hugging my sides. I gently took her arms off of me, that was kinda awkward and weird at the same time but at least it wasn't Aaron or things could have got crazy. I got off bed and saw Matt on the floor with a blanket and a pillow. Then Aaron on Matt's bed, spread out with a toy giraffe..ok then. I checked on my phone, its 10:23. Meet and greet is at 3:00, maybe I should just get some breakfast while everyone is still asleep.

I didn't wanted to be alone, I have a huge fear of being alone except only if I need to cut. I went through my suitcase and found my jeans, my Minnie Mouse jacket and also my red vans. I took off my pajamas, which was actually my onesie, and it was revealing my undergarments. Then I heard the door opened, I couldn't find anything quickly to hide my body. I saw it was Nash and I just quickly turned around.

"NASH GET OUT!" I loudly whispered as my face turned red

"I'm so sorry Athena, i'll just wait outside then" Nash loudly replied back

Nash just saw me in my undergarments, he just saw my ugly body. This is bad, plus he should have knocked instead of barging in. I just can't believe he saw me like this, he better not tell anyone this happened or Matt will go crazy and I don't want Matt to fight with his friends, especially these friends. I then quickly changed into my clothes, grabbed my phone and walked out the door as I saw Nash.

"You know there's this thing called knocking, you should try it next time Nash" I snapped

"I'm sorry Athena I didn't meant to do that, I just wanted to see if anyone was wake so we can get some breakfast" Nash explained as we walked down to the lobby

"Well now you know i'm awake and what I look like in undergarments, and you better not tell anyone what happened or Matt gonna kill both of us" I said

"It's funny how you say undergarments, and don't worry Athena, he won't know" Nash stated

*Nash's pov*

Athena and I walked down to a little coffee shop called "Nelli's" near the hotel, as we walk I can tell Athena was so furious just because I saw her in way she doesn't like being seen , not gonna lie but she is beautiful and has a nice body. Well I wouldn't mind seeing her like that again

As we both walked into Nelli's and sat down, Athena took a deep breath.

"So, today's the event, huh?" Athena asked

"Yea, i'm so excited to meet all the beautiful fans" I cheered

"You love your fans a lot don't you?" Athena asked with a little smile on her face. That little smile was just killing me

"Yea, they mean the world to me" I rejoiced

And then a lady came over and took our orders, I asked for a little breakfast sandwich while Athena asked for a giant breakfast meal, that girl is crazy. After we ordered, we just talk about how awesome the guys were and the fans and somehow we ended up talking about our dream jobs. Then, our food, which looked delicious, came.

We kept talking about our dream jobs, I found out that Athena wants to be an actress, I can imagine that. As we kept talking, I noticed Athena kept looking to her side and her hands was shaking.

"Athena what's wrong?" I asked so worried

Then she started shaking even more and taking little short breath every second. I went up to her and held her side, she was scared, I was worried what is happening?

"Its Nash, Athena, what's wrong" I asked more louder, then she started to calm down more

"My ex- boyfriend, Sean is there, and h-he" Athena stuttered

"What did he do to you?"  I asked as worried as ever

"He was an abusive boyfriend" She managed to spit out, I was furious, I was ready to go up to his guy and beat the shit out of him. 

"Nash please don't do anything about this, its not your fight" She said as she held my arm tightly

"Okay, I won't do anything now but if I see him again I would hurt him" I stated as I stared into her Athena's eyes and she stared into mine. I quickly then let her go and I went back to my seat. We didn't speak until we finished our meals. She was ready to pay the bill.

"No, let me pay" I insisted

After I payed the bill, we left the coffee shop and went back to the hotel.

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