Kou x Ghost!Reader [𝙰𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙸𝚍𝚒𝚘𝚝]

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[Y/n's P.O.V.]

I sat in the back of the class. I wasn't noticed. Most of the time, anyway. People didn't pass me by, instead, they walked right into me. Nobody's eyes had laid upon my figure in at least a week, not even the sensei's. 

I sighed, resting my chin in the palm of my hand and looked out the window. It's grey and the clouds are growing darker and darker, threatening to rain. 

The bell rings and Sensei dismisses the class. I grab my lunch from my locker and head to the cafeteria. I look at my usual table. Who's that? Why are they in my seat? 

"Excuse me," I mumble, trying to catch the person's attention. Her long, grey hair fades into a minty green as it reaches its ends. "Excuse me," I repeat, louder. She doesn't respond, so I gently tap her shoulder, and she finally turns her head. 

She looks at me in shock. "Y/n-Chan?" She asks, and I can recognize her as my friend, Yashiro Nene. She never sat at our table, so why is she sitting in my seat only now of all times? "Y/n, is that really you?!" 

She lunges off her seat and tries to grab me, but I step back. A clutter of mumbles can be heard from the table, and all of them sound confused and sad. 

'Didn't she...'
'I don't see her, what's going on?'

I shake my head, trying to drown out their thoughts. There's no way that what they're saying is true, it can't be. Nene glances back at the table nervously before looking back at me and whispering: "Meet me in the girl's bathroom after school."

From there I walk about the school for the rest of the day. Once again, I'm not noticed, not called back to class, not scolded for wandering around or not having a hall pass. I hug myself around my ribs, gripping each elbow with the other hand. 

My breath is becoming shaky and insecure, just like me. Right before I break into tears, a boy stops in front of me. His messy, blonde hair and ocean blue eyes are all too familiar. 

His fingers reach out to touch my shoulder, but I lurch back. "Kou..." I mumble, "Stay away..."

The red tag on his ear sways as he shakes his head in refusal. "I find out my best friend haunts the school after I cried nonstop once hearing about her death, and you expect me to stay away?"

I nod shakily. 

"Well, you're wrong." Just as he's about to take another step closer a teacher grips his shoulder, taking him by surprise. "S- Spider-Face..." Is all Kou is able to utter before being shoved into a classroom I'm sure wasn't even his. 

"Just give him a moment for the shock to wear off," Tsuchigomori-Sensei says. "Your death really took a toll on him."

I feel as if I've swallowed rocks. "So... am I a ghost then?"

The answer hangs in the air. He doesn't even need to say it, I already know by the sympathetic expression plastered across his face. He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I'd better get back, my class can be rather... rambunctious sometimes," He adds, walking off and turning a corner, and I'm left alone in the dark hallway before I even know it. 

I meet Nene-Chan in the girl's bathroom as promised, and she explains to me that she can see supernatural beings. Besides her stands-or rather, floats-Hanako-Kun. I recognize him as Number Seven of the school mysteries. Almost nobody would be able to mistake him for someone else. 

"Nene-Chan?" I call, and her head perks up. "Kou is an exorcist, isn't he?" She nods. "Would he..."

"No, of course not! If he's letting Hanako-Kun stay, I'm sure he'd do the same for you. Especially since the two of you were friends."

"You say that like we can't be friends while I'm a ghost," I say, chuckling once, and it doesn't reach my heart. Do I even have a heart?

She shrugs, "You can never tell with him."

Just as she says this, the bathroom door slams open, and in walk Kou, his 'staff' or whatever the thing is was in his hands. "Y/n-Chan!" He yells. "You have a lot of explaining to do!"

I tilt my head to the side with curiosity. "I do?" Nene kicks my ankle. "Uhhhhhhhh-"

"How you died, remember?" She hisses. 

"Right! Um, I died in like, the actual stupidest way possible. I, uh, slipped on something in the front entrance and hit my head hard on the concrete, I woke up and thought I only had a concussion but apparently not," I explain.

Kou lowers the raiteijou and smiles. "I knew it was you," He says, running up and hugging me. "I wish I could have been there to save you."

"But kid," Hanako chimes, "The future can't-" His speech is stopped by Nene slapping her hand over his mouth. 

"I think I would have died happy if you had just been there," I reply, hugging back, trying to ignore Hanako and Nene bickering. "Just be glad I'm bound to this school. We can talk any time, we can do everything we did as friends back when I was still alive!" The words feel weird on my tongue. Being dead is strange, but seeming alive is even stranger. 

"Y/n, I never got to tell you this but..." He pauses, and I look at him only to see his face is a vibrant shade of pink. "I loved you! Well, I shouldn't say loved because I still do, but you're dead, and I don't know how you'd even handle it in the first place, but-"

He rambles on and on, but I cut him off with a short kiss, and I can practically hear the awkward tension in the unnatural silence. Nene and Hanako stopped their quarrel and were probably staring at us, but I couldn't tell, because I had tuned out all my surrounding and was only focusing on Kou. 

"Is that a yes?" He asks.

I resist the urge to slap him. "What else would it be?!"

"I don't know!"

"You're such an adorable idiot sometimes."


I just wrote this because I felt like it, and so some of my new audience could get a little sample of my writing if they wanted it, though probably nobody does *sad noises*

Well anyway, leave a request if you'd like, and votebecauseIwantthisbooktobepopularrr-

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