Hanako x Reader [𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚢𝚙𝚎]

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[Y/n's P.O.V.]

"Yashiro-Chan," I groan, "Stop dragging me, I have feet, you know."

"Sorry, sorry," She apologizes hurriedly, "I just really want to show you something- someone," She adds, correcting herself. 

I raise an eyebrow, continuing to run after her around the school into... the bathroom? Oh no. My thoughts immediately ring negatively as I do my genuine best not so run right back out the door. 

"Hanako!" She yells, and a small boy appears before us, floating upside-down. 

My jaw hangs open as my finger reaches up to his face. He nudges my finger with his nose. "Boop," Is all be says before returning upright. "Nene-Chan, is this who you wanted to show me?" 

She nods. "She needs love advice as well!" She announces. 

"What?! I do not-" I protest, but Nene silences me as the palm of her hand is placed over my mouth. 

"She likes the exact opposite of my type."

"And what's your type again?" He inquires, taking a paper towel and a pen and writing on it like a clipboard. 

"Like a prince charming," She swoons. "Handsome, kind, tall~"

"So the exact opposite would be..." He starts, tapping the pen against the rim of his hat. "Rowdy, messy, and loud?"

Random noises such as "Abjebckjdf" are muffled as they come out of my mouth while I struggle to pry Nene's hand off my lips. 

"I think that sounds about right!" Nene exclaims proudly. "Go find someone who-"

"NO!" I shout, finally getting my freedom of speech. "Love advice, blegh," I shiver, cringing at the thought of dating. Disgusting. 

Hanako floats through the air. "But your type pretty much explains me! We could be a great couple~" He teases, bringing his face closer to mine. His smug grin is uncomfortably close to my lips, which were curving in the direction of a sickened frown. 

Nene claps giddily. "I'm getting you two together, that's my final decision!"

"No way," I say, shaking my head in disagreement. 

Well, since then, life has been rather... exciting. Hanako hasn't stopped trying to get closer to me, and I won't deny that it's working, but only in the friend type of way. 

"Y/n-Chan," Hanako whines, "It's just one kiss! Just give it to me! It doesn't even have to be on the lips, c'mon," He urges. 

I cross my arms. "I told you, I'm not gonna kiss you!"

"But what if I kissed you?~" He says, leaning forward, causing me to duck out to the side.

"Hanako, I'm not into you!" I insist. "I don't even know how you fell for me, anyway."

"Well," He says, and I immediately regret saying anything. "You're pretty, cute, nice, friendly," He lists things off his fingers, shrugging once he reaches the tenth. 

"I doubt you see any of those."

"But I do! Why can't you just understand I love you?"

I sigh. "I understand, I just-"

"Can't say it back because you're too nervous?"

"Definitely not," I scowl at his suggestion. "I just don't know how to respond to this at all, because at first, I thought you were joking, but now I know you're not, so I'm really just... Confused, I guess."

"Confusion can lead to insanity, I advise you find an answer soon," He says before disappearing around the corner of the hallway. 

"I think you love him," Nene says, causing me to jump.

"Nene-Chan! Were you eavesdropping?"

She laughs awkwardly. "Sorry, I just think you two are really cute together, whether you're dating or not."

"And you're absolutely, one hundred percent, unconditionally, positively doubtless?"

"I- I think so, I don't remember half of the words you just said," She announces, giggling nervously. 

I resist the urge to facepalm. "Nene-Chan, are you sure he's the right kind of guy for me?"

"Yes!" She practically shouts a fraction of a second after I ask. "You two were literally made for each other!" I blush at her statement. "I don't understand how you like those kinds of people, though, Y/n-Chan."

"Handsome people aren't always the nicest. Plus, disorderly and rebellious people a more fun."

"Think what you want to," She shrugs. "I'm still waiting for my prince charming," She sighs heavily, and the look on her face tells me she's daydreaming once again. 

I lay my hand on her shoulder and she snaps out of her imagination. "You'll find someone eventually," I encourage her. 

"Yeah," She breathes her agreement. "Now go tell Hanako!"


"You love him, don't you? I thought that was what we were just talking about!"

"Fine! I'll tell him!"

Nene smirks. "So you do love him? I see, I'll have to make a note to tease you about it the rest of our lives."

"No. You're not doing that, no way, no how, no... why?" I pause, trying to figure out what to say when Nene takes my wrist and drags me back to the bathroom, just how this whole thing all started.

"HANAKO-KUN!" She yells, running out of the bathroom before he even appeared. 

He tilts his head slightly to the side. "Did you hear Nene-Chan a second ago?" He asks, and I shake my head no. "I swear I did. Eh, must be finally going insane." He shrugs. "Ooh, Y/n-Chan, are you here to tell me something?"

"Um, y- yes, actually." I want to slap myself for stuttering. "Nene-Chan helped me discover that um, I..." My voice trails off. How the heck are people ever able to confess?

"Did she help you discover that you love me?"

I give a long sigh of relief. "Exactly. Thank I didn't have to say it out loud," I mutter. "How were you able to tell?"

"Your face is bright red," He points out. I lift my fingers up to my cheeks, and he's right, they feel like they're burning. He plants a kiss on my forehead while I'm unfocused, causing me to blush harder if that was even possible. "You know I love you, right?"

"I love you too," I reply, and I can't contain my smile behind my blank demeanor any longer. 

"You know, Y/n, I think you're just my type."

❈ ✧ ★ ✧ ❈

I can't tell whether this chapter is inspired by the song "Just My Type" by The Vamps or not, because it has almost literally nothing to do with the song other than the title. 

I'm getting desperate for scenarios, can y'all leave some on the request page please? o3o 

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