Akane x Reader [𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚜]

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We're just going to ignore the fact Akane is literally forever attached to Aoi-Chan for the sake of this chapter.

 ☾☾ ⚘ ☽☽

[3rd Person P.O.V.]

A girl sighed as she knelt beside her contribution to the school's practice garden. She was working on growing roses, a commonly known flower, albeit rarely seen anywhere in her town. She rested her chin on the palm of her hand, curling her fingers inward. 

This girl was Y/n L/n, known as 'the daydreamer.' No one ever knew what she was thinking of, but they all knew it was always off-topic in some way. A butterfly flitted near her roses and landed on one of its petals, causing the flower to lean ever so slightly. 

Today it was the girl's job to pluck a few roses for science class; What they were going to do with it, she had no idea, but then again, that wouldn't matter to her in the end. Her thoughts were clouded, imagining a certain council vice-president whom she would unconvincingly abstain as her crush.

Her eyes were glossed over with an unfocused look as one of her friends, Aoi-Chan, walked past her. 

"Y/n-Chan~" She exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. Aoi frowned, for Y/n did not respond. "Y/n!" She repeated louder, waving her hands a few inches away from her distant-minded friend. 

Y/n jumped slightly, squeaking quietly in surprise before seeing Aoi standing behind her. 

"Aoi, you scared me," She whines, picking up the roses she plucked and standing up. "What are you doing here?"

"I was sent to tell you that we don't need the roses anymore! Apparently whatever we were supposed to do originally is too dangerous."

Y/n scoffed. "What could be so dangerous about roses?" Just after she had finished speaking, she yelped in pain; for she had shifted her fingers in the wrong way and had pricked her skin on a few thorns. 

"Oh dear," Aoi chimed, inspecting the minor wounds, "We'd better get you to the nurse."

Y/n shook her head. "It's only a few small cuts, barely even scratches."

"They could be infected, c'mon."

Y/n sighed in defeat, letting Aoi take her by her non-wounded hand and lead her to the academy's nurse's office. The place was quiet, the only people in the small room being the two friends and of course, the nurse. Or at least it seemed. 

The student vice-principle emerged from a back door with a large plastic box that he nearly dropped upon seeing the familiar purple hair. 

"A- Ao-Chan," He stuttered, setting down the box and wiping his hands on his vest before picking it up again. 

The girl giggled gently, "Hi! I was just about to get back to class, I've got to deliver Y/n's excuse."

"I'm not gonna be here for long, it's not like I broke my finger," She voiced sarcastically. 

"I'm still taking it with me, you never know. Cya~" She replies, her voice giving off different notes as if singing a song. 

Y/n shuffled her feet awkwardly, staring at them. She didn't want to look up at Akane, because she already knew he would have an awestruck look on his face. Only now had Y/n realized she caught herself in a very inconvenient love triangle. 

Y/n loves Akane, Akane loves Aoi, and Aoi doesn't love either of them‒at least not in that way. Y/n was just the untimely third wheel and she knew that. She knew her true feelings would never get noticed. 

Akane cleared his throat. "I think I'll just go-" He cut off his own sentence upon feeling a tug at his sleeve, given by Y/n's hand, her fingers wrapped in cheap bandages. 

"Can you stay?" She whispers. A few seconds of complete silence passed, resulting in Y/n mumbling a quick "Sorry."

"No reason to apologize, I'll stay."

Y/n sat down on the sink next to her abandoned roses which the nurse had carefully removed all the thorns to avoid further 'injury.'

"What's in the box?" She asked, breaking the silence. 

"Stuff for the new science project."

"Oh." She frowns. "What is it?"

"Vinegar volcanoes," He states matter-of-factly. 

"Really? That's so generic," She laughs a small, empty chuckle. 

Akane shrugs. "True, but it was also last-minute. What are you going to do with all the roses you picked?"

What was she going to do? She could always plop them right into a vase at home, or she could do something creative like finding a way to preserve the petals, or maybe- She just had a perfect idea. Red roses. Iconic way to confess, right? But there was no way she would just up and confess right now, even if she could!

"Y/n?" Akane calls, inching his face closer to the girl's to catch her attention. 

"Wha- Oh my gosh, I zoned off again!" She shouted, her face flushed with a color that rivaled the roses still lying limp beside her. "Um... Akane?"

"Hm?" He hummed lightly in response. 

"I hope this isn't too awkward..." She mutters, getting ahold of the red flowers and holding them in front of Akane. "I really, really like you."

Akane, usually calm and collected looked for once shocked, albeit still incredibly flustered. 

"I- I like you too, but-"

"Not in that way, I know," She interrupts. "But can't you see? Aoi-Chan doesn't love you back! I'm sorry if that's harsh, but it's true. I just c- can't let you be blinded by f- fake love..." She stutters, her eyes welling up with tears. 

Akane lifts his hand to meet her face, looking kindly into her eyes. "There's no need to cry, Y/n. I understand how you feel, and maybe one day I'll understand love, too." He uses his thumb to wipe away her crystal-clear tears that rolled slowly down her face. "Don't think of this as a rejection, more of a... a temporary 'no,'" He adds, making the girl smile. 

She sniffs, wiping the rest of her tears away with her sleeve and hugging the boy tightly. "I'll always love you, y'know," She says, smiling into his shoulder, slightly muffled by the fabric of his shirt. 

Y/n eventually lets go, and Akane takes the roses from her hands, staring at their bright red color, their almost perfect petals. 

"Is something wrong?" Y/n asks, looking at the boy quizzically. 

"I just realized," Akane starts, pausing to glance at the flowers in his hands, "Love is like a rose."

"How so?"

"It's beautiful, but sometimes it can hurt, like thorns. And eventually, it wilts and goes away. I think... I think my feelings for Ao-Chan are what's wilting."

"Well," Y/n sighs, "I think you should be completely sure before you do anything, despite how impatiently I'll be waiting. Now come on, we should get to class."

"Y- Yeah, of course."

So what they say is true: All roses have thorns. But of course, thorns can easily be removed, but that was never written down for the quote, but more of a mystery, per se, for the rose herself. 

☾☾ ⚘ ☽☽

I hate how proud I am of this chapter, honestly.

God, it was storming so loud when I was writing this I could barely even focus. Sorry for not updating in a while, I was working on other books but then I broke my charger and my computer died and, well, I think you get the point. But now my computer is charged and I'm ready to update!

Please leave requests, they're greatly appreciated, especially since I've gotten none for this book so far. Anyways, thank you for reading!

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