Amane x Reader [𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗]

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[Amane's P.O.V.]

It's nice and warm outside. Sort of sunny, a few cool breezes here and there, how things should be at the beginning of summer. 

I sat next to my best friend, Y/n, on a park bench. She was clutching her artbook per usual, plentiful amounts of art supplies in the small-ish bag that sat beside her.

"Amane-Kun," She chimes, grabbing my attention, "I don't know what to draw."

"You could always draw me, I'm right here," I shrug. 

"You know I can't draw people! You've seen the weird proportions I use on the faces!"

"I think it looks abstract, still amazing."

Y/n sighs, her pinks dusted light pink from my compliment. "Thanks. But anyway, I'd rather just draw some scenery. I just... Don't know what. I don't know if I want it to look calm, or chaotic, or-"

"Let's walk around and let yourself figure out," I suggest, cutting her off. I stand up, offering my hand to help her up as well. She takes it, getting on her feet and picking up her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. "Inspiration is never too hard to find. I bet we'll find something in under half an hour."

Y/n giggles. "That's a little specific, but okay." She pauses, looking around at the trees that shaded the park. "I think I'll go for a natural look today."

I grin. "Nice choice, but we still have to find something for you to draw."

"True, true," She sighs. "Well mister Yugi, lead me on your tour of inspiration!"

I grin smugly, grabbing her hand once again and walk onwards with no plan in mind. I looked confident, but I had absolutely no idea where I was going. Pretty much, I was wandering with no location in mind, but there was no way I'd let Y/n know that. She is expecting me to take her on a grand, motivating adventure after all.

"Well first off," I started, trying to sound as close to a tour guide as possible, "We're going to walk down uhhh..." I paused, looking at a signpost with a small map. I gave it a short glance, hoping Y/n didn't notice it, which would give away the fact I hadn't planned anything. "We're going down this trail right here," I finally announced, pointing my finger down an alley of trees that surrounded the sides of a stone path.

Y/n gasped lightly. "It looks amazing! Thanks again!" She beamed, hugging me tightly. I blushed but shook it off, or at least I hope I did. 

"A- Anyway, let's start down the trail. The quicker you find your inspiration, the better, right?"

"Yep! Let's go!"

Y/n skips down the path, smiling happily. She's a bit quirky at times, but that's what you've got to like about her. Plus, since she's so odd, she's also very unique, and I doubt there's anyone else in this world like her. 

"Ooh, look at those flowers!" Y/n chirps, walking slightly off the path to kneel down next to a small collection on naturally yellow-ish orange flowers. "They look like your eyes!" She exclaims, smiling back up at me. I look closer at the flowers and realize that, as she said, they look like my eyes. Color-wise anyway. "I think I found my inspiration!"

"The flowers?" I ask, looking at the petals blowing gently in the breeze next to her. 

"No," She replies, standing up. "You."

My jaw drops agape. "Me? No way, really?"

"Yeah," She giggles, "You're all that I'll need for today's sketch!"

I sighed. I'm getting too worked up over this. She only ever said those words, but knowing that I was her inspiration somehow sparked a little excitement to see the final drawing.

While I was lost in thought, Y/n plucked one of the flowers and handed it to me. "I'm gonna have you pose with the flower. Hold it close to your face so I can draw the similarities," She orders, though rather kindly. She pulls out her art notebook again, along with a lead pencil and another thing she unintentionally hid, meaning I didn't see it. 

I held the flower close like Y/n had asked, the petals gently tickling my cheek. I smiled, trying my best to hold the expression while she drew, looking intensely at the paper notebook in her hands, sending quick, concentrated glances my way every so often. 

Finally, she speaks up after about five minutes. "You can stop posing now, I've got the rough sketch. I'll go over it really quick. I promise it won't take long!"

"Take your time," I declared, sitting on the edge of the stone paving, watching Y/n as she kept drawing. I could hear her pencil pressing down on the paper, gliding across to make whatever lines she needed. I should know what lines she was making since I was the muse, but I was still curious to know what I would look like in Y/n's art style. 

Not too much later, Y/n held her book in front of her, grinning at the artwork I couldn't see. 

"Is it done?" I inquire, causing Y/n to respond with a short nod. "Can I see it?" She nods again, getting up from her spot and walking back to me, turning the artbook around and presenting the finished work. 

"What d'ya think of it?"

The pencil on the paper was a dark and metallic grey, contrasting with how pure white the sheet was. Once looking at it, I realized what I hadn't seen her pull out of her bag earlier. She must have pulled out a colored pencil, the same shade as both my eyes and the flower, because those were the only two things colored in. 

"It looks... amazing. Absolutely amazing," I answer, resulting in a bright smile from Y/n. 

"You're so sweet! I might have to draw you again sometime!" She says, extending her arm in front of her, her hand balling into a fist. "Give me a fist bump, Amane!"

I chuckle. "Alright." I push my fist against hers and smile. "You're amazing, you know that, right?"

"Shut up," She says, blushing slightly. "Plus, I'm terrible if I don't have the right inspiration."

"Well, I'm always here to help you find some."


I was originally going to do something different and really angsty, but I think I'll save that for another character. Maybe Kou again, who knows. Expect that to come out sometime!

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