A Lifetimes Worth - Legolas One Shot

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The starlight, to an elf it was incomprehensibly soothing, and to describe it would do it no justice. You would often spend your nights watching the stars when sleep became hard to come by. While you sat, under the light of millions of stars there was one thing - one person, who always popped up in your thoughts. He always managed to steal your thoughts with his memory and he had yet to know this.

"You look troubled, I suspect it is him once more?" Elrond had a wonderful habit of pulling this information out of you as well as surprising you with his presence when you least expect it.

"You ought to stop surprising me this often, it does not help my heart." You gave a soft unamused chuckle.

"You understand that he will be here in mere days, why not speak with him of the feelings you have in your heart?" He stood next to you as you looked out over the running river far down in the distance.

"I doubt he even remembers me," You glanced at Elrond who was watching you with a suspicious look of understanding and knowing. "A decade has passed and in the time he is all my mind is consumed by and yet I fear that it is one-sided."

"Oh, I do believe you have already started overthinking what the possibilities could be. You should speak with him, I insist it will do you both some good. You will never know the truth until you ask and wouldn't you like to know?" Elrond poked and prodded at your curiosity with his words.

"Ah, I see that this is one of those instances where my say will matter not. I suppose you are correct though, I will speak with him tomorrow's eve." A smile was on Elrond's face while concern was written on yours.

"That is good to hear, now, may I suggest trying to sleep? The winds are turning and a storm is close." He offered you his arm and for a moment you hesitated before taking his elbow with your hand.

"Ada," You whispered once you had both entered your room.

"I am afraid." You admitted and he placed his hand on your cheek and smiled.

"There is nothing to fear, I will always be right here for you and no matter the outcome of tomorrow," He gave your face a gentle stroke with his thumb.

"You will always be home here, you will still be the strong and beautiful Elleth that will one day rule this kingdom with the knowledge and understanding no one else possess." You placed your hand on top of his as he placed a kiss to your forehead.

"As for now, you should try and rest. No?" You sighed as he stepped away from you.

"For you, I can attempt." You mused with a smile, one he returned before shutting the door to your room with a soft click.

Sleep, ah, such a fickle thing. When you need it most it does not come and when you desire it less you can hardly pull yourself from the comfort. Sleep came in short waves for you as the night crept on but it would be enough for you to function in the coming day. In the moments you were awake you thought often of the memories you had as a young elf, growing up around so many different things and learning quickly of friend or foe. You were hardly an adult when you killed your first Orc pack, and hardly much older when you saw him for the first time. Around your age, held himself properly and was as skilled with a bow as you were. A prince, an elf, and inquisitive. You both had plenty of things in common but he would often comment about your father and his own. You remembered the first time you showed him the back gardens and how at peace he looked when you spent nights watching the stars. It had become a habit after he left for home and as the years went on you still made the same trips around Imladris. Rivendell in the common tongue.

Lindir, oh what a wonderfully friendly elf he was. Whether he was alone in the studies or standing next to Elrond, he remained the same elf you had come to enjoy being around. He was wonderfully easy to read and so whenever you needed advice it was him you went to because it did not matter what you told him or the response he gave it was easier for you to decern what you needed to do.

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