Caring About You

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*~*Elsa's P.O.V*~*

My eyes slowly open as the morning light shines through the holes in the roof. I push my limp body off my tiny bed.

"Goodmorning Elsie!" Olaf chimes. He is standing in the kitchen holding a basket of fresh berries.

I sit on my bed wiping my eyes. A smile forms across my face.

"Where did you get those?" I mumble.

"I BOUGHT them from a stand in the village." He says emphasizing the word bought. He then begins pouring the berries into a bowl of water.

"Well thank you Olaf." I say standing up and stumbling across the room to hug him. As he wraps his arms around me I feel safe. Safe and happy, how amazing is it to have a friend like him.

"Elsa...." Olaf stammers, he squeezes me tighter.


"Do you remember all those years ago, do you remember when we met?" He asks looking down into my eyes.

I smile as the memories swarm my mind. It was a warm summer day and I was about twelve wandering through the village. My parents had just died and my hand was locked with Anna's. I walk with my head down trying to hide the tears. I needed to be strong for Anna be a positive example. I can't let her see me broken.

"HEY!" I say as a person slams into me sending me tumbling to the ground. As my hand collides with the stone ground frost forms everywhere.

"I am so sorry! I'm in a huge rush and-" I look up to find a boy about my age standing over me. With dark brown eyes and orange hair.

"Elsa are you okay??" Anna says kneeling next to me.

"Yes and it's alright." Olaf begins helping me up.

"I'm Olaf..." The boy says holding his hand out. I grab it as I say "Elsa..."

"Elsa?" Olaf says shaking me.

"Huh?? Yeah?!?! I say coming back to the present.

"I asked do you remember when we met?" He stutters.

"Oh yeah hehe when you ran into me!" I giggle slightly.

Olaf rubs the back of his neck and chuckles, "we'll yeah.... at that point I... I knew I just knew tha-that..." He looks at the ground and sighs loudly.

"You what?"

"I care about you Elsa! I care about you a lot, you don't even know. Some might say.... that I even love you."

I look at him in the eyes as my heart melts. He cares for me? I've never thought of him more then a friend but now he's expressing his love to me?

"Olaf I..." I begin but Im at a loss for words.

"I'm sorry... I know it's a lot to take in at once, I'll just be on my way." He says opening the old wooden door.

"Olaf wait!" I yell.

"Enjoy the berries." He yells as he pulls his cloak over his head and runs
off towards the village.

What just happened? What did I just get into?!

A/N: sorry this is shorter :(

Q:Whats your favorite holiday?


CYA POTATO HOMIES! *throws sprinkles*


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