Unexpected Pregnancy

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Backstory* This first section takes place about 10-15 years before the events of Demon Slayer. In the early 1900s during the Meiji period of Japan.

Kagaya Ubuyashiki has an adoptive sister named Amaya, who fell in love with and married Muzan Kibutsuji. Kagaya didn't know that Amaya had married Muzan, until she came to him worried about being pregnant with Muzan's child. She had left the family for several years to live in secret with Muzan, who was deeply in love with her too. Although she is not truly Kagaya's sister, he cares for her as if she is. She finally returns home to tell Kagaya how worried she is that she is pregnant and how it could be possible that she is. Kagaya is engaged to be married, but has not become the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps yet. He is

"What am I going to tell him, Kagaya? I didn't think this was possible; to become pregnant with his child," Amaya's emerald green eyes suddenly had a worrisome glare cast over them.

Her and Kagaya sat under the Japanese Maple tree next to the river that ran through the Ubuyashiki estate. It was approximately 11 P.M. and the full moon lit up the sky in front of them.

"Amaya, you don't know for sure yet. Just be patient. You never should have left our family to marry that demon, but I can't be mad at you," Kagaya put his arm around his sister as if in an embrace.

Amaya pushed her brother's hand off her shoulder and stood up, arms crossed, "Yes I do know Kagaya, I'm late. I'm never late and I've been getting sick almost every day. That's a clear sign of pregnancy. I know I am pregnant. I've never felt this way before," the moonlight shone on her brown hair as the wind blew it off her face.

"Tell him that you think you're pregnant then, or wait until you know for sure. You should return home now though, I don't want him to be upset with you for leaving," Kagaya looked at Amaya sympathetically as she turned to face him with a scared expression. Kagaya could sense how fearful she was of this situation and wanted to do everything he could to help her through it.

"If you need anything at all please come back. I don't want you to not be able to tell me things. You never told me about Muzan, you simply disappeared and ended up marrying him. Just be honest with me, I'll always be here for you," Kagaya wrapped his arms around his sister in an embrace, which she returned crying.

"Thank you Kagaya," she mumbled through tears, "I'll never do that again, I just didn't want you to resent me for marrying him. I love him and he loves me."

"I know and I never could."

Amaya takes the train back to her and Muzan's home right outside the city of Nagano in the central Chūbu region of Japan. They live in an elaborate home with a large garden located right outside. She opens the double sliding doors and very quietly slips her sandals off. It was around 1 A.M. and she wasn't sure if Muzan was home or out having a meeting still with his twelve Kizuki.


"Where have you been Amaya?"

She's greeted with the familiar voice of her husband, in a very aggravated tone. She turns to face him while he's standing against the doorway with his arms and legs crossed. His plum eyes piercing through her like daggers. His jet black hair was parted as it usually was on either side of his face.

"I'm sorry Muzan, I was seeing my brother. I haven't seen him since before we got married two years ago and needed to make sure he was alright. I figured you would go out with the twelve Kizuki, so I waited till during the night to leave," fear gripped her body as she stood facing her husband, who was wearing a loose fitting tuxedo with a black dress shirt underneath. He must've gone out for a little bit since he got dressed up.

He walked towards her and placed both of his hands on her cheeks. He really couldn't stand how Amaya could call that man her "brother." Especially since they were not related by blood. However, he looked past this for her sake, "How is he?"

She thought for sure he would be mad at her. However, she placed her hands on his hands, calming down, "He was good. Actually, I went to talk to him about something. Well, also to see him, but I really needed to talk to him about something too."

"Oh? And what might that have been?"

She took her husband's hands off of her cheeks and held them in hers, looking up into his bright crimson irises, "I need to tell you something very important and I really hope it doesn't make you angry."

"What is it Amaya?" Muzan furrowed his brows into a scowl while looking down at his petite wife as she intertwined her hands with his.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, opening them to look at his intimidating, yet attractive glare, "Muzan, I'm pregnant."

Those words replayed themselves through Muzan's head as he took a step back from her, dropping her hands. His expression turned from domineering to pure shock as he pondered what to say, "You are carrying my child?"


He turned around, so that his back was facing her as he wondered how she could be pregnant. He had been alive for close to 1000 years and never thought he would have his own biological child, his own flesh and blood.

"How is this possible? I've never heard of such a thing. How could I even have been able to get you pregnant?"

Amaya shook her head, "I have no idea, but I am and it is your child. What are we going to do? A half human- half demon, how will I survive this pregnancy Muzan?"

Muzan thought hard about that question for a minute, even he didn't know how she would survive being pregnant with his child and how long the pregnancy would last. "We will figure that out Amaya," he pulled his wife into an embrace and placed his head on top of hers.

All of the sudden an interesting thought crossed his mind and he slightly smiled, "what if this child is immune to the sunlight? My dream could come true through our child."

Amaya took a step back out of her husband's embrace and met his crimson irises with her own intimidating glare, "Muzan, if this child is immune to the sunlight you must promise me to not hurt them."

A confused look crossed the demon lord's face and he chuckled a little at her distrustful comment, "Do you really not trust that I wouldn't hurt my own child, Amaya? Even if they are immune to the sunlight that will only make them more strong and they will be the embodiment of perfection. They will stand by my side and one day be my heir," he looked down at his shaking wife and pulled her into an embrace once more, kissing her forehead gently, "I will not hurt this child."

I really hope not. Amaya wrapped her arms around her husband, as if to say she trusted his word. She loved Muzan more than anything, but knew how much he wanted to be immune to the sun. That ability would complete him and make him the true embodiment of perfection.

I apologize for making this chapter so short, subsequent chapters will be much longer. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading!

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