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Note- I forgot to add that Muzan and Amaya do have their own maids/servants that tend to their needs. Amaya came home during the night in the last chapter, so I didn't add any maids. (Muzan would never be able to live in a home without a maid/servant).

"The baby is a girl!" As soon as she said this the maid placed the baby in a small basket to rinse her off before she would hand her back to her mother. The infant's cries could be heard echoing across the room.

Amaya breathed a sigh of relief, realizing the worst part was over. She brought her hand up to her face wiping the sweat that had been dripping down her forehead. She had been in labor for a full 24 hours with her and Muzan's child and she didn't think the baby was ever going to want to come out.

Surprisingly enough, she had a pretty normal pregnancy that lasted nine months. Every so often however, she had to drink human blood to prevent the baby from trying to drink her own from inside her womb. Muzan had been nice enough to bring some home for her whenever he would go out in the evenings, she didn't dare ask where he got it from though. She was too afraid to hear the answer. While the maid was washing their baby off, she looked over at her husband, who had been standing by her side and holding her hand throughout her whole labor.

He was looking down at her with a gentle smile on his face, "she's perfect," he told her in a tender voice while brushing dampened brown strands of hair off her face.

She smiled at her husband while looking into his bright scarlett orbs. His medium length coal colored hair framed both sides of his face. Perfect as usual. she thought.

"I can't wait to see who she looks more like," she says as she smiles once again at her exceptionally perfect husband.

"I'm sure she'll be beautiful just like you," he kisses her forehead whilst it's still soaked with sweat.
The maid brought their baby back to them wrapped in a white blanket and placed her gently in Amaya's loving arms. Amaya moved the blanket back from the baby's face to reveal her features.

"Well Muzan, I think she's beautiful like you, not me," she stifled a laugh before showing her husband the baby.

The infant had a full head of coal hair and to Muzan's delight, his bright crimson irises. Her complexion had more life than his, but was still more pale than her mother's. He laughed, "Well my dear I guess she is," he smiled lovingly at the little infant.

"Would you like to hold her now my love?"

The demon lord had never held a baby before, despite her being his own child he was nervous, "I.."

"Here darling, daddy is going to hold you now," she handed the baby into her husband's arms.
He brought her up against him and looked down into her eyes. Their plum irises met one another and he was in love. She looked up at him in wonder while making small cooing noises.

Amaya couldn't help but smile at the loving interaction her husband and daughter were having with each other. Muzan was such a cold-hearted and ruthless individual. He saw no value in humans, or most of his underlings for that matter. She had been the only one he had shown a softer, more loving side to and so it warmed her heart that they could have a daughter who he also was able to let down his guard for.

Muzan kept holding the infant in his embrace, while he was holding her she reached her hands up, as if trying to touch his face. He slowly brought her up closer to his face so her hands could touch his cheek. He brought his hand up to warp it around his daughter's, so soft, he thought to himself. An endearing smile crossed his cheeks as he continued to look down at his child. The infant giggled. He had never adored someone as much as her, besides his wife.

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