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Fear became a tangible, living force that crept over Amaya like a hungry beast, immobilizing her; holding her captive to her spot on the cold, hard ground as she laid staring up at Muzan completely paralyzed. Her husband's now menacing aura was tightening its grip around her as his threatening glare continued to stay fixated on her bright emerald irises. The clusters of veins bulging out along the sides of his temples, cheeks, and neck looked as if they were going to break through his skin and burst any second.

Amaya never thought the day would come where she would see her husband look at her with such hatred. What she had told him was the truth and he needed to hear it, but she never expected him to outright hit her for her comment. She thought he truly loved her and although he was the most dangerous and powerful being in existence, she believed he would never treat her as if she was one of his useless underlings or just a pathetic human.

She couldn't hold back the tears any longer, they began to sting the corners of her eyes and just like that, the floodgates opened. So many tears burst forth, rushing down her face as if they were breaking through a dam. She was barely able to catch her breath and started gasping for air that wasn't there. Her eyes burned from the tears that were violently falling down her face. She brought her hands up to her face, trying to cover her tear soaked eyes and slightly muffle her nearly screaming cries. She felt as if she was dying inside.

Muzan, how could you?! After all we have been through together. I..I.. This can't be happening! She couldn't even think straight as her mind tried to rationalize what happened, but there was nothing to rationalize. Her husband, the father of her child, had actually hit her. He hit her hard enough to send her whole body flying off the bench and onto the hard ground under the cherry blossom tree and now he was looking down at her as if she was the most worthless, hated, and pathetic being he had ever laid eyes on. Why did I say that?! Why?! She shook her head while continuing to try and muffle her dramatic cries with her hands.

As Muzan stood over his wife, watching her cry hysterically, her words kept repeating themselves in his mind. You are not a calamity Muzan. You were a man that was turned into a demon by accident by a generous doctor who only wished to help prolong your life. If he saw that this is what would become of you, he never would have given you the medicine and you would be dead. His wife's words had stung him deeply.

It wasn't even the part about him not being a calamity that had angered him so much, it was how easily she was able to say that he would be dead if the doctor had seen what he would become. She had spoken those words so calmly, yet so irate and he had never heard Amaya speak in such a way to him before. She had always been his loving and gentle wife who never had an ill word to say towards anyone, especially himself. She always strives to make him happy and he always does the same for her. She even chose to love him despite knowing his true nature and motives, yet something urged her to say the things she did to him.

He didn't even understand why they had the conversation they did. They went from sharing a passionate moment together, to her asking him why he wanted to conquer the sun and then going on to ask him why he couldn't just forget about being perfect and enjoy life with her and their daughter. He really didn't understand why of all times she brought that up now. She knew of his quest for perfection and finding the blue spider lily, she had never been bothered by it before so why now? A sudden realization came over him as he realized exactly what he had done to his wife in his fit of rage over her words and their conversation.

She continued to cry hysterically in front of him and he couldn't believe what he had done to her. He was so blinded by rage after hearing her final comment that he lashed out and actually hit her. The love of his life. The demon lord had never regretted anything in his 1000 years of being alive, but was overcome with guilt and sadness over hitting his wife and deeply regretted what he had done. What have I done? I've never raised my hand to her before. I've never been so blinded by rage that actually laid a hand on her. She's the only human that I've ever loved; the only human that I haven't looked down upon as being weak and pathetic. He knelt down in front of his wife and in an attempt to make up for what he had done, he reached to wrap his arms around her and pull her into an embrace.

Crimson Ties-  Muzan Kibutsuji's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now