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"Amaya, I have to go to a meeting with my lower six Kizuki because yet again, one has been killed by one of Kagaya's demon slayers. I swear they are utterly useless; I should just kill them all off and only have my upper ranks. They are the only ones who actually are able to kill a hashira. " A look of pure exasperation crossed Muzan's face as he explained to Amaya why he had to leave so abruptly. "I'll be home as soon as I finish disciplining my useless underlings," his crimson irises were glowing with rage as a vein on the side of his head was about to burst.

Amaya, who was holding their sleeping daughter, lifted her free hand up to his cheek as if trying to calm his fit of rage, "you get way too worked up over those underlings of yours. My brother is only doing what he believes is right with sending his demon slayers out, especially if that demon has killed many people."

Muzan pushed Amaya's hand away, even more enraged by her comment, "I really wish you would not call that man your brother, he is not your blood. He needs to stay out of my way. My reasons for creating demons are for two main purposes, to kill Ubuyashiki's pesky demon slayers and to help me find the blue spider lily, so I can finally conquer the sun after nearly 1000 years. Demons need human flesh to survive and some of the demons I create simply enjoy killing others, there's nothing I can do about that. You know how many people I have killed Amaya? Thousands. I've killed people simply for getting in my way and being an annoyance, or to consume their flesh as food." He was now glaring into Amaya's soft emerald eyes, not understanding why she made the comment that she did when she is married to the demon lord himself.

She brought her eyes away from his penetrating gaze and looked down at their daughter, who was sound asleep in her arms. "I love you though Muzan. Love is a powerful thing. I don't care about your underlings and I don't care if my brother's demon slayers kill them. I can't forgive them for their sins because I don't love them. I can forgive you no matter how people you kill however, simply because I love you that much." She brought her eyes away from their daughter and back up into his gaze, giving him a sympathetic smile. The smile he loved so much. "And Kagaya may not be my brother by blood, but him and his family are the only family that I've ever known. I don't remember my real family."

He let out a sigh and looked into his wife's eyes before glancing down at his daughter, who somehow managed to sleep through him raising his voice. "I'm sorry Amaya. I'm just already irritated that my useless lower ranks always get killed and your comment about Kagaya really put me over the edge."

Amaya reached down, rubbing her daughter's silky coal hair as she started to stir awake, "It's alright. I love you don't I?" There it was, that smile again. This was the second time she showed him her stunning smile in a matter of minutes and it gave Muzan a warm feeling on the inside, something he never experienced until he met her.

Their daughter had woken up and she was making small grunting noises. She stretched her small, fragile arms out before opening her bloody red irises. She glanced from Muzan and back to Amaya in wonderment. "Look who woke up just in time to see daddy before he leaves," Amaya rubbed her nose as the infant giggled in amusement.

Muzan chuckled as he bent down to kiss his daughter on the forehead. She giggled, bringing her hand up to his cheek. He brought his head back from hers before rubbing his finger across her cheek. "I'll be back in a few hours," he kissed Amaya gently on the forehead after he finished paying attention to their daughter.

"Try not to be too cruel alright?"

The demon lord smirked at his wife's remark, "No promises."

Amaya only sighed, knowing how barbaric Muzan could be when it came to treating his underlings, especially the lower ranks of the twelve Kizuki.

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