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Amaya nervously paced back and forth in her and Muzan's bedroom as she tried to figure out what to do with the situation she had been faced with. She had asked Muzan if he could spend time with their daughter while she wrote a letter to her brother, which of course he agreed to. She was sure he wouldn't discover Hisana's immunity to sunlight in the short time that she'd be writing a letter. She had debated visiting her brother at the Ubuyashiki estate with Hisana, but felt Muzan would become suspicious if she left abruptly to go visit him without saying a word.

She decided to write a letter instead to avoid confrontation with her husband over leaving to visit Kagaya. She had been pacing back and forth for roughly a half hour though and still had no idea what exactly to say to her brother; she couldn't come up with the right words to use to describe what happened.

Tired of pacing back and forth, she sat down at the end of her and Muzan's bed, burying her head in her hands. Tears started to fall through her fingers and onto her amethyst colored kimono.

What am I going to do? The one thing I worried about my entire pregnancy has come true. I should have suspected this considering she's half human, but still, why couldn't she be like Muzan and not be able to withstand the sun?

The thought of Muzan devouring their daughter to gain her immunity to sunlight or use her as an experiment engulfed her mind and caused her to think irrationally. She wanted to tell Muzan so badly about their daughter being able to withstand the sun, but she was too afraid to. He could be very unpredictable at times and just thinking back at the first time she saw how he treated his underlings made her think of the worst possible scenario. But he's been such a good father and so loving and caring, so maybe if he did find out he would be alright and not try to harm her. She sobbed harder. I don't know what to do anymore.

In the living area, Muzan was holding Hisana in his arms as she slept. She looked so peaceful and he wondered if all babies slept as peacefully as she did. He took note of how her features would twitch every so often as if she was dreaming.

He never could have imagined being a father up until now. Well, he hadn't even imagined himself truly falling in love with someone, especially a lowly human, up until he met Amaya. He thought falling in love would be a hindrance to his goals of finding the blue spider lily and becoming a being that was not only close to perfection, but was.

Muzan especially thought he would never have his own child. He didn't even think as a demon it was possible for him to. He never really took much thought to getting married and having children back when he was still human due to his illness. He could barely get up on his own without help from his servants, let alone if he had tried to court a woman.

Yet here he was  1000 years later, in love, married, and with his own child. He looked down at his daughter who was still sound asleep, rubbing her velvety coal colored hair. You are close to perfection as am I. He smiled looking down at her, you will stand by my side one day and help me eradicate Ubuyashiki's demon slayers and anyone else that stands in my way of becoming the perfect being. If only you're able to conquer the sun....


The demon lord looked up from his daughter to see his wife peeking her head around the corner of their living area, as if she had been standing there for a while watching him with Hisana. "Amaya what is it? What are you doing? I thought you were writing a letter?" He whispered in a flat tone as she stepped into the living room. She was wearing a white kimono with a light pink haori with cherry blossom flowers on it that he had gotten for her in Asakusa the second time they went out together.

Her chocolate colored hair was tied into a loose braid off to her right side and small, loose hairs framed the sides of her face. A concerned look crossed her face as her eyes were the glimmering color of an emerald, sparkling in the light of the lamp that stood next to the futon Muzan was sitting on with Hisana.

Crimson Ties-  Muzan Kibutsuji's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now