A Dream

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Amaya stood in front of the pond in her and Muzan's garden as she held Hisana close to her chest, allowing the infant to feel the calming rhythm of her heartbeat. She watched as the pale moonlight illuminated the surface of the pond, creating the illusion that the water was glowing, although it was not.

A breeze picked up, blowing cherry blossom petals through the air and causing them to land gently on the surface of the water. The breeze created ripples along the water, causing the moonlight that shone upon it to look as if it was dancing along the surface.

Amaya reached her free hand out to clasp it around one one of the petals that blew in front of her. She brought her hand slowly to her face and unclasped her fingers, a smile crossed her gentle features as she relished the beauty of the petal in her palm. Various shades of light pink meshed together perfectly around the petal to the edge, where each shade was brought together into a darker shade of pink that contrasted to the rest of the petal. Their overwhelming beauty remained a timeless metaphor for human existence and how human life is tragically short-lived.

"Amaya." A familiar voice called out from the left of where she was standing, swiftly cutting through the silence of the night that had enveloped the air around her.

She turned her head to face the direction of the voice as the breeze blew strands of hair across her face. The cherry blossom petal that had been in her palm was picked up and carried into the wind, disappearing into the sky behind her. She brought her hand that had been holding it up to Hisana's head, clutching the infant close to her. A few feet to her left stood her husband in a yukata with intricate gold designs embroidered into the fabric, it was something he usually only wore to sleep, on nights that he would that is.

The breeze blew the longer strands of coal-colored hair that framed around his cheeks across his face, slightly masking the glow of his crimson red irises. He started to walk towards her and Hisana as she attempted to step back from him, but she couldn't move. Her feet felt as if she had been glued to the earth beneath her, she was trapped.

The breeze picked up pace slightly, causing Amaya's hair to blow more violently across her face. Cherry blossom petals continued to ride the breeze whistling past her, performing small dances in the wind as they blew past Muzan while he continued to walk towards her.

Once he was standing mere inches away from her and Hisana, she dropped her eyes, turning her head to look at the water once more. She could feel her husband's piercing gaze boring into the side of her face as she continued to look at the surface of the water, watching the breeze tug at the surface. Fear slightly gripped its tendrils around her heartstrings and she wrapped her arms even more tightly around their daughter.

Out of her peripheral vision, she watched Muzan's arm reach out to her. She felt his nail lightly trace her forehead, brushing a strand of her chocolate colored hair off of her face and tucking it behind her ear. He then traced along the side of her jaw down to her chin, careful that the tip of his nails didn't break through her skin.

Upon reaching her chin, he lightly placed his fingers under it as he turned her head to face his. The moonlight illuminated his irises, allowing Amaya to make out the various shades or red that meshed together around his vertical pupils, giving them the appearance of sparkling rubies.

His gaze shifted down to their daughter as Amaya continued to hold her in her embrace. He took his finger away from underneath Amaya's chin and brought his hand down to his daughter's head, carefully caressing her coal colored strands of hair. Amaya saw as a slight smile tugged at the corner of his lips before disappearing with the breeze as it whistled past their bodies.

He brought his hand away from Hisana, bringing it down to his side before turning his attention back to Amaya. A sorrowful expression painted his face, but Amaya could tell there was a hint of something else masked behind it. There was a sliver of rage that danced behind his scarlet irises that he was trying to prevent from surfacing.

"Why did you take Hisana and run from me?" Muzan spoke, shattering the silence between them. He spoke in a melancholy tone, but Amaya could sense the anger rising in him with each word he spoke.

She looked down at her feet, diverting her eyes away from his. A cherry blossom petal laid on the ground between her and him. She took her eyes away from the petal to her sleeping daughter that laid snuggled up against her chest.

"Amaya. Look at me." The coldness of her husband's voice pricked at her skin, sending chills along its surface. She felt the frigid tips of his fingers grip around her chin again as he lifted her eyes once more to look into his.

She opened her mouth in an attempt to speak, but only silence filled the air. The rage Muzan had been trying to mask surfaced for a brief moment like flickering embers, only to be blown out by the wind. He took his fingers away from her chin, placing his hand on her right cheek and caressing it gently.

His touch felt like a blanket of snow that had fallen upon the right side of her face. His features softened slightly as he tucked another strand of hair behind her ear.

"Come home."

Hey guys!! Omg it's been a year since I last updated😅😅 I can't believe it's been so long! I'm going to be continuing the story, but I need a filler chapter of some kind to lead into the next chapter. I've had a lot going on in my life in the last year, but I'm excited to continue the story! I hope you guys are too! Thank you for all the support!☺️

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