You and Me

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Lydia planned to slip out the door the next morning without having to encounter anybody. She didn't want any degrading pep talks, any fake smiles or forced conversation. She wanted to think.
Her father, however, seemed to have other plans.
"How about I drive you this morning?" Her father had requested softly, stopping her on her way out the door. Lydia hesitated, and he noticed. "I need to talk to you."
"Sure." As much as she didn't want to, he was her parent. She couldn't avoid him forever. Plus, he seemed pretty serious.
Lydia sat in the passenger seat, having flashbacks to a couple nights ago. That was the last time she'd been in this car, and probably the last time someone had sat in this seat. She bit back a smile.
"So," her father started as soon as they had left the driveway, "I know that what happened last night upset you. It's clear."
"Uh huh." Lydia looked out the window. So he just wanted to give her a lecture?
"I understand. But," he sighed, "we need to accommodate more things for Delia now, too."
"Why? She hardly lives with us." She knew she was being rude, but she didn't care.
"Well..she will be. You know we've been together for a while." He gripped the wheel tightly, and Lydia dug her fingernails into her arm.
"Don't say what I think you're gonna say."
"I want her to marry me, Lydia."
Lydia was stunned into silence. She thought that Delia would just be moving in for good. But..marriage??
"Why?" It was the only word she could force out of her mouth.
"Because I love her."
Lydia stared at the road, biting her lip. If she opened her mouth, she knew she would break down.
"And I love you, too," he continued. "And I think you deserve a mother."
"I have a mother." The words spilled out. She didn't look over to see his reaction. "She hasn't been erased from existence, Dad. I have a mother."
"You did. And now she's gone. We need to continue-"
"You never think about me anymore. Everything's always for Delia. Is it because I remind you of Mom?"
"No, that's not it at all! You always jump to conclusions. I'm trying to make her feel welcome."
"She's not welcome. Not in my book." Lydia crossed her arms. "I don't need a replacement mother."
"What you need is someone to guide you," he responded through clenched teeth. "Someone to whip you into shape. You've been a mess ever need to move on."
Lydia shut her mouth, blinking hard in order to push back the tears. Good to know that her own father thought she was a mess.
"Okay then," she said after a long pause. "Marry her. I don't care."
Her father didn't answer. The rest of the ride was spent in silence, neither of them sparing a glance at each other. Once they arrived at school, she muttered a goodbye and got out of the car as fast as she could.
Nothing would work. She couldn't change things on her own. It was in one ear, out the other.
She needed help.
Beetlejuice was much more subdued than Lydia had ever seen. As soon as he appeared, she was taken aback by the disappointment in his eyes. He tried to hide it by smiling, but it was obvious. The most striking difference was his hair. She could see in the candlelight that it had changed from its normal green to a dark shade of indigo.
"I'm guessing you saw what happened last night," Lydia said. "I tried to get them to listen, I swear."
"It's okay, kid. I'm not bothered." He shrugged it off, the positive tone in his voice not reflecting the look on his face.
"No, it's not okay. You're upset! I can tell you're upset."
He held his arms out, grinning. "What part of me says I'm upset? We can still hang out in your little 'girls room'. And you'll get your picture room."
Lydia remembered back to the night they had met. He had run his fingers through his hair, and it turned purple. "It turns purple when you're upset, doesn't it?"
Beetlejuice grabbed a strand of his hair, pulling it down so it was in front of his eyes. He sighed. "Yeah. Yeah, it does. Always gives me away.."
"This is your house," Lydia told him. "I haven't forgotten that. You were here before us."
"I don't want you to stand up for me. It's an attic. I'll..well, I was gonna say that I'll live, but-"
"It's not just the attic," Lydia interrupted before he could change the subject. "You saw what happened. It's like he looked right through me! He didn't listen to a single word I said. He's too focused on what's best for her. What does Delia want? Everything's about her!" She caught herself speaking a little too loud and lowered her voice. "I'm sick of her."
He raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like you got some beef, kid."
"He's gonna marry her, Beetlejuice."
He blinked, startled. For a second, he just looked at her, yellow eyes peering into hers.
"Huh," he finally said. "That'"
"I know he just wants to get rid of Mom. He hates me because I remind him of her." She dug her fingernails into her palms.
"That sucks, kid. I don't..shit."
"I'm done. I know I've said it before, but this time I'm really over it." She shook her head.
All she had to do was say it out loud. It would only take a couple words to ask him for his help. She knew what he could do, how dangerous it could be. Still, it was her own father. Her family. She didn't want to do this to someone she loved.
Did he really love her back, though?
Did he?
"I..I want your help," she said, her voice sure and steady. "I want them out. Out of the house."
Beetlejuice's face brightened. "You know that that would mean-"
"Just you and me. I know." She took a deep breath. "I don't want them gone forever. I just want to scare them off for a while. Show them who's boss."
He beamed, putting his cold hands on her shoulders. "That's what I like to hear, Lyds! Look at you!"
She laughed, watching as the strands of his hair quickly shifted back to green. "Someone's excited."
"You bet your ass I am! But look, we gotta come up with something else. Something great. Blondie? That was child's play." He pushed off the ground, floating upwards onto his back. He always did that when he was in thought, she'd noticed.
"I say we make them see both of us this time."
He gasped dramatically. "You mean it?"
She nodded. "I mean it."
"Kid, I've said it before, but you'll never ever regret this. Best decision you've ever made, I swear to ya."
"Well, then." Lydia stood up, leaning against her bed. She knew that there was determination in her eyes. "Prove it to me."

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