20 Interesting Facts

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1) Scorpios are easily some of the most intense creatures in all of the zodiacs and they have a way of making you feel alive when you're around them.

2) They have a powerful and intriguing aura about them that draws others into their world.

3) They are extremely clever, cunning and perceptive so don't think for a moment that it's going to be easy to dupe them.

4) They are big time skeptics who don't believe anything without hard evidence.

5) The Scorpio is a complex personality who can be notoriously hard to read and to many they are seen as a total enigma.

6) They tend to be guarded around those that they don't know well and can be extremely mysterious and secretive.

7) Scorpios can be highly suspicious of everyone and everything and they're often know to have trust issues when it comes to believing that others intentions are good.

8) Sometimes y'all need to chill out and remember that not everyone is out to get you.

9) They have big ambitions and they have a strong competitive characteristic to their personality that pushes them to strive for greatness.

10) When they want something the just go for it. When they set their sights on something they allow very few things to get in their way.

11) Scorpios have a bit of a reputation for being people you don't want to screw with...and for good reason to.

12) When crossed, the Scorpio won't hesitate to exact their revenge. And like the scorpion that represents their sign, they can be extremely painful.

13) They can't stand fake flattery, they prefer to keep it real.

14) They can be very seductive. Turning on the charm and charisma at a moment's notice making them almost impossible to resist.

15) They can experience the most intense highs which can make them feel like they're on top of the world but also some of the most brutal lows which can leave them emotionally exhausted.

16) It would be a big mistake to underestimate their ability to figure out the truth. They have their ways to go all Sherlock on your ass.

17) In relationships it's all or nothing baby.

18) They have a knack for instigating meaningful and though provoking conversations that end up being extremely rewarding for everyone involved.

19) They hate it when people try to control their life so if you do so you'll be given a nasty reality check.

20) Scorpios can't stand it when people go back on their word and as a result they don't do it themselves.

Thanks for reading!

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