Zodiac Scenarios

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The Signs during the Zombie Apocalypse-

One minute the signs were inside Pisces house having a small get together, the next they were startled by a news broadcasting a zombie apocalypse. Panic was rising in Pisces household, the air tense and silent before alarms blares through the television screen. "EVERYONE GET TO SAFETY! PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY EATING EACH OTHER!" The news broadcaster yelled into the screen before static was all that was left on screen. A laugh sounded throughout the living room, all heads turned to fave Aries. "I'm so gonna kill everyone of those freaks! Take out my pent up angee on them, who wants to go?" Aries asks, pulling up a bat out of nowhere. Taurus chimes in, "I've played way too many video games, I've be prepared from the start, let's go Aries!" As they leave, closing the door behind them, Gemini begins to bawl. They crawl into a corner and sob endlessly. Cancer gives shifty eyes, backing into the kitchen to get a weapon, they aren't trusting anyone up in this bitch. Leo groans, cause the rest of the signs to give them looks. "Whaaat? I'm not trying to run from any dead bitches, if I didn't run throughout my life, why would I start now?" Leo then goes to sit on the couch and flip through static, hoping to find a channel. Virgo then gasps and gathers their things. "What's the rush?" Leo asks. Virgo turns to look at Leo, "I left my fucking dog at home!" Virgo then runs out of the house, slamming the door behind them. Libra then shuffles to the door, "guys this means everything is free! I'll be right back, I want some Gucci." Capricorn seconds that, hurrying after Libra claiming they want candy. Scorpio was gone when the broadcast had finished, everyone for themselves. Sagittarius begins to complain about having places to be even though they weren't busy at all today. Aquarius walks around as if everything is normal, they're choosing to believe it's a hoax. Heads turn as Pisces rushes out the door with a duffle bag. "Where are you going!?" Leo asks, standing. Pisces turns to give them a smile, "I have a safe house, bye now." The door slams and everyone pushes to follow after Pisces.

At a family get together-

Aries was so bored, they didn't get to eat because they were already late to the party, so they're looking for the food. Taurus got there earlier than most and has been bored out of their mind, they so don't want to be there. Especially since Capricorn won't stop talking to them. Gemini was debating on going but decided against it, they stayed home to watch Criminal Minds. Cancer needed to go to the bathroom but now they just don't want to go and interact with everyone, so there they sit, hiding in the bathroom. Leo got here a little later than Taurus and has been waiting for Sagittarius to get here but now that they arrived, they're both talking and gossiping. Virgo said hi to everyone but then went to go watch TV. Libra sat next to Virgo but has been on their phone the whole time. They have the mindset of, "if I ignore them, they ignore me." It's working though. Scorpio arrived at the same time as Aries and has been judging everyone who has walked through the door, they have decided they hate everyone. Capricorn just has to greet everyone, trying to have a conversation with Taurus but Taurus was so not into it. Aquarius is definitely with the other big kids, chilling and having a good time. Pisces doesn't seem to remember anyone there so its a bunch of awkward interactions.

On a plane-

The signs were heading to Pairs, courtesy to a game show that Aries had won. They won twelve tickets to Paris and them, wanting to be selfless for once, decided to share it with the other signs. Boarding the plane, they hurry to their seats. All of a sudden a baby starts to cry. "Oh fuck no," Taurus whispers, they were clearly fed up already. Aries turns around to see the baby crying loudly. They get closer to the baby and says, "Shut up! Cry when we land," And with that the baby stops crying. These two signs then take the seat. Gemini hurries to the seat next to Aries, they're so excited about this trip. They've always wanted to go to Paris. Gemini cowers as Aries glares at them before taking their seat quietly. Cancer signs as they take their seat, they can hear Leo and Scorpio bickering already. They're so thankful they brought their headphones. Leo stand in cancer aisle while arguing with Scorpio about who gets the window seat. They clearly won this argument so they push past an annoyed Cancer and sits at the window. Libra then sits down next to Cancer pouting. They turn to Leo, "No one told me the food carts only pass by two times!? How am just supposed to control my hunger on an endless flight?" Leo shurgs and Libra crosses their arms, pouting once more. Virgo is panicking and going over their checklist hoping they didn't forget anything. Scorpio had been beat from the spot they wanted so now they're looking around for an open spot they actually want to sit at. They then spot Pisces waving at them. Sagittarius is seated next to Capricorn and Virgo. They're imagining scenarios to scare Capricorn, "imagine if we crash-". Capricorn cuts them off with a small punch to their shoulder, "Stop! Don't jinx it you bitch." Pisces waves Scorpio over and offers them the window seat, which Scorpio happily agree to. Scorpio has no problem sitting next to these signs. Pisces takes a seat on the end because Aquarius wanted the middle seat so they could hide the candy they smuggled in. And with all of them seated, the plane takes off.

As Parents waking their kids up-

Aries throws something at their sleeping form.
Taurus wakes them up gently, letting them know breakfast is ready.
Gemini leaves the house without them.
Cancer brings them breakfast in bed but ends up tripping and spilling it on their child. Oops.
Leo walks in all smiles before yelling at them to hurry their ass up.
Virgo gently but firmly shakes them awake.
Libra begins to walk around their room snooping through their stuff and playing innocent when they wake up.
Scorpio waits over their body for them to wake up. Their kid almost shits themselves.
Sagittarius walks up the stairs before hearing their kids rapid footsteps coming to the door, "I'm awake!" Kid was totally scared.
Capricorn literally smacks their body.
Aquarius waits in the kitchen, their kid is awake by a certain time or else. And they know that.
Pisces forgets to wake them up and it's a school day.

As money-

Aries/Balance- 2.9M
Taurus/Balance- 10M
Gemini/Balance-$ -100,000
Cancer/Balance- $100,000
Leo/Balance- $950,000
Virgo/Balance- $200,000,00
Libra/Balance- $2 (I-)
Scorpio/Balance- $799, 999
Sagittarius/Balance- $50, 000
Capricorn/Balance- $20, 000
Aquarius/Balance- $40, 000
Pisces/Balance- $500, 000

Thanks for reading!

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