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"Let me out! You can't keep me in here! I can't be your mate I'm a human! I don't wanna die either! Please just set me free! Please! Let me out!"

Seth kept on banging the wooden door that was kept locked, and can only open when there was food being served. Each passing day he could not accept the facts that he was being held captive, locked in this comfy warm room, and wait for that so-called alpha to return. The alpha of this pack, based on his observation- though naive he may look, he is a smart boy -tends to panic a lot but still smart. 

"Let me out!"

The whole pack could hear the bickering of their alpha's mates but choose to ignore the annoying human or they would face the ruthless consequences of their alpha. With so many attempts to keep the human quiet they could only grump in distress when they unsuccessfully kept him at bay.

Though the mortal had a frail body, he sure can make a scream. When Seth finally exhaust himself from his frequent screaming, the room where he was immure was finally quiet. And here they thought that peace will finally be attained when the screaming was replaced by a weeping voice.

Having heightened senses they could feel the distress and fear of the human. Helpless and cornered by prey the facts finally sink in his mind that he was going to die here.

While he was in the middle of weeping the door opened revealing the man who abducted him from his home. He scurried to the corners of the room and cower in fear. The man of more than six feet tall is slowly creeping closing their distance. He was bare with only his trousers covering his being. His tan muscles flex each time he walks closer to his frightened mate.

He was truly a beautiful man, Seth admits. However, his features may be equal to a Greek god, he was still the man who stole him from his home.

When the alpha was close enough to Seth, the man descended from his arouse posture and lean close to Seth.

"Have you decided what to choose?" He said with his deep chilling voice.

Although the alpha was aware that he was being unreasonable with his offer, he could not stop himself from teasing his fragile mate. The poor lad was already pale in fear and he still continues to trouble him. Even if the lad refuses to become his mate, he could never feed him to his pack.

Not that it matters anyway.

During the time when he was away with Seth, the alpha was having a discussion with the elders. The mating season is fast approaching and since the alpha had finally found his mate he will bare his teeth and mark his mate permanently. Signifying that he now belongs to the alpha. The problem was because his mate was human, it created a huge argument by the elders.

'Our king mating with a mortal! Preposterous!'

The elders screamed their opinions on how they were to the mating. Accommodating a mortal was unknown for the whole history of their linage. Although Alpha King could care less about the issue, he still has a responsibility to uphold.

To provide an heir.

However, the almighty alpha wants to one but his mate. It's what his wold tells him, and honestly, that's what he wants too. After centuries of waiting for his other half, he was pleased to have found him in time when the vampires attacked his village. He thanks the moon goddess for his protection to his mate.

Seth has feared for large animals, and what is larger than an adult werewolf as a mate. The belief and morals between human civilization and werewolves are completely different. Humans take their time in getting to know someone before actually saying their vows. But when it comes to werewolves, they rely fully on their instinct. It is up to their wolf to decide who their fated pairs are. Consent was never a problem when it comes to werewolves, they never have to ask permission to claim someone, dominants can possess any unmated wolves and the submissive by nature gladly submit to their domination.

Seth's case and the alpha are complicated.

"My name is Erik, I am the alpha of the pack where you reside now. And you are my mate. Tomorrow is the full moon. By then I will officially mark you as my own."

Seth bewildered by his statement could not utter a word and just stared at him for the longest time. Erik did not wait for an answer and exited the room.

"Rest for today, for you shall need the energy for the mating."

When the door finally shut and locked from the outside, only then Seth realizes what his situation was.  Frantic for an escape plan he tried opening the door but it was bar shut. There were no windows. He could not see any passage apart from the main door. It means a dead-end for Seth.

'Does this mean I'll have to wait until he actually kills me...'

Seth dropped on the floor as he gripped strands of hair as he wallows in defeat.

'Why won't he just kill me right now instead of making me wait?'


"Your Majesty, they have refused to accept your request in meeting your presence as of the moment." Said by messenger.

"And what was his defense?" Vincent said with a hint of irritation of his voice.

"They said that a mating ceremony would occur tomorrow night. The alpha had found his mate and will mark his beloved officially tomorrow."

Vincent caught by surprise by the sudden news that he dropped his class wine, staining the expensive carpet. Fortunately, Stephen was not around to hear the news. If he were to found out he will not hesitate to march to their territory and save his friends.

'Erik found his mate. Does that mean my beloved's friend is the mate of the werewolf king?'

"Keep this news between us. I do not want him to know about this." He sternly said to the messenger. He dismissed the man and went back to his own thoughts.

'Fuck! What now?'

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