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"Cancelled! This cannot be! The red moon is tonight!" Freed, one of the elders, as opposed to the sudden decree.

"He is not ready. There is another perfect time for me to turn him. I can do it anytime as I bid." Vincent said to the elder.

"Then why not now!"

The hall was now again filled with deceitful whispers. Vincent often predicted the outcome of his decree... One, an opposing side would stand, and two, they would suggest a new queen. Like he predicted another elder stood up, but before he could open his mouth Vincent raise his hand. A signal that he wishes not to hear for any of their so-called wise advice.

"I wish to retire to my quarters early, the meeting has commenced. Dismissed." And with that Vincent left the room without looking back, even though his subjects were demanding to hear their pleas.

As Vincent left the counsel was left disappointed and kept on arguing about the recent situation.

"Breaking tradition! Dishonoring the royal lineage! The pride of the Dracula bloodline tarnished! All because of that fucking mortal of a mate!" Elder Freed expressed himself freely. Cussing and demanding a trial for the mortal.

"We must get rid of that mortal. He is but a filthy bitch who would ruin our hard work on keeping the lineage sacred!"

Most of the counsel applause by the suggested plan, but the majority was against it. All because they fear him. They've seen the horrors of what the prince can do; he is not named the son of a devil for no reason.

"Do as you bid. Leave me out of this. I would not want to repeat what happened to Elder Joshua... I've seen the consequences of defiling our king." The elder who spoke up stood and left the room without uttering another word.

"Alright! Those who are too scared to fight along my side should accompany that spineless life form."

One by one the population of the room started to decrease until there were only three elders left. Disappointed that only three remain yet he had to deal with it. It is better than none he thought.

"Brothers... I am glad you stayed-"

"Don't get your hopes up, Freed... I stayed for one reason only, and that is not because I agree with you." Elder Samantha said. "If what you say is true, then I wish for that boy to disappear, but solely I am not against it. My only concern is keeping the bloodline pure."

"That mongrel is a human-"

"No he is not and you know that."

Freed went silent. He knew that the boy was special and that it perks his interest in investigating him further, however, he is too valued by their king. A mate to their king. Taking a step would mean death- instantly.

"Yes... that is true. But my concern is that the prophecy said that his majesty will create a powerful offspring that would rule dominion to all species. How can an albino like him be able to manifest a strong child when he is feeble and weak! His majesty's blood and power would be wasted by him!"

"Enough Freed!" Silenced Samantha. "Quiet down your voice his majesty will hear you! Do you want our heads to be severed for acts of treason?" Whisper-screamed Samantha.

"Sorting out a plan would be dangerous, I will not rebel against his majesty. Your stand does not convince me to join your side of the rebellion. If his majesty accepts this mongrel that you so subjects, then so be it. I trust his majesty's decision and so should you, Elder Freed."

Samantha left the court leaving Freed in his state of my mind. He finds this situation unacceptable and he will do in his power to make him marry Lady Shella. He strongly believes that she is the right mate for the king.


"I am not to be turned today?! Such lovely, miraculous, and marvelous news!" Exclaimed Stephen. "Please tell me you are not lying Welter. Please tell me!!!"

"I am not, fortunately for you." Said Welter, smiling from ear to ear.

"However, it does not mean that you won't be turned, Stephen. It was just delayed... You still need to be ready. His majesty considered your feelings and decided to give you time, even after the mess that you created he still considered on how you feel." Welter said as they made their way to a bench around the garden.

"If he cares then he would free me from this hell hole- no offense Welter. But... I am treated like dirt here. Why does he insist on marking me permanently when he is already engaged?" Asked Stephen as he unconsciously rubbed the mark on his neck. Welter seems to have noticed that action but decided to ignore it. " I mean.. She's pretty, she's a pureblood, a vampire, and a she!"

"Well... His majesty didn't really care about traditions and keeping the bloodline pure and discards like any other comments plastered by the elders. He despises being told and he hates being disobeyed. He killed thousands of lives just because they annoyed him. However, he seems to rarely do it when it comes to the elders."

"Hmph... rarely does it to the elders?" Said Stephen rather contradicting his statement.

"It's true! But anyway let us not debate with that. Back to your question... Why you?" 

Stephen looked at Welter, awaiting for his statement to be finished.

"I honestly don't know." Stephen disappointly pouted in reply. "There's a prophecy though...  That his majesty would create an offspring so powerful that the child would rule dominion to all species."

"He needs a womb then why not find someone who is already a vampire, why bother me?" Stephen said.

"I... I don't know. I don't know why. It confuses me also. I mean... why did he attacked your village when he could have done it elsewhere. Nobody knows... his majesty was always secretive."

"He... He attacked my village... not out of coincidence, but intentionally?"

The room was suddenly quiet. Welter said something he shouldn't have, and now he had arise a new problem to Victor.

I guess things didn't go well as he had planned.

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