Chapter 2

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Tzuyu's POV

Today is the day of our reunion meeting and i decided not to go. The gathering should have started but my friends kept on texting if i'm fine or not. They also told me what they are doing right now, at Jihyo-unnie's house. 

Chaeyoung suddenly called me while i was reading the messages sent by her, Dahyun and the others, except for Mina-unnie. I accepted the call, knowing i could read them later.

"Yo, what's up? How are you doing?" Chaeyoung rapped her greeting while i heard the others laughing and she whined at them for that, making me giggled.

"I'm doing fine." I answered her. After that, i heard her moving since there were some movements from the other line.

"By the way, i didn't mean to say this but are you sure you're alright? Mina-unnie seems down today." Chaeyoung told me which made me worried for the Japanese girl.

"Yeah, i'm pretty sure i'm okay. Anyway, what happened? Did you asked her why?" I asked worriedly.

"We did and she told us it was nothing. It doesn't seem nothing to us. Do you think something happened between her and her boyfriend?" Chaeyoung explained, giving me the information.

"Well, i don't know but that's possible. I will talk to her and see if she would tell me anything about her mood today." I said and she hummed, probably nodding her head behind the screen.

"Okay. And when are you going to do that, Tzuyu-ah?" She asked and i thought for awhile.

"Um...Maybe tomorrow, i will ask her to meet me if she's free from her boyfriend, that is." I spoke and she chuckled.

"You sound like she's being abused or something. You're so mean to our friend and she's your best friend." She said in between her soft laugh.

"Oops. I didn't mean to say that then." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes, knowing that the cub can't see.

"Anyway, i got to go. They are asking for me already. Looks like they want to speak to you too. Do you mind?" She told me and i just hummed.

"Yeah, sure. I don't mind." I said and i could feel the sounds movement from the other line.

After awhile, the sounds seemed to disappear and i was greeted by various loud voices from my phone, making me pulled away from my phone.

The 9 of us talked and talked and the girls kept telling me a lot of stuff. Mina-unnie was quiet the entire time which made me even more worried. 


The next morning, i got up early and got ready for work. I texted Mina-unnie if she wants to meet me today. She hasn't replied to me so i assumed that she have not wake up yet, looking at my message not read nor delivered to her. I sighed, hoping she would reply me by my break time.

I went to my garage to get my car and drove to Sana-unnie's house to pick her up as usual. She wore makeup but i wish she don't because either way, she still looks pretty with or without makeup. But i preferred her without since she looks the prettiest without it compared to with it.

"Good morning, Tzuyu-ah!" She greeted with a peck on my cheek with a cheerful smile.

"Good morning, unnie!" I greeted back enthusiastically with my dimples smile and drove to my company.

While i was working behind my laptop screen, my phone vibrated on my table, beside my laptop. I took it in my hand while the other hand continued typing on the keyboard and i stared at the screen, not looking at my phone. 

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