Chapter 7

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Tzuyu's POV

I rang the doorbell of Mina-unnie's apartment and the door opened, revealing her mother. 

"Mina seemed to be in a sad mood today. We don't know what happened and she won't let us enter her room at all." Her mother told me while i nodded my head.

"Then, please let me be with your daughter. She will probably let me in and i will try my best to comfort her and be by her side." I said in determination.

"Of course. That's what i'm hoping to hear. As i expected, you really are compatible with my daughter." She praised me which made me blushed a little in embarrassment.

"Thank you for the compliment." I said as i went upstairs and knocked on Mina-unnie's door softly.

"Mina-unnie, it's me, Tzuyu. I'm here." I said softly and opened the door slowly and quietly. 

Mina-unnie was hugging her knees tightly to her chest with her head down, resting on her arms. She's sitting on her bed.

I sat down beside her and i heard sniffling sounds. I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm here for you, unnie. Don't be sad anymore. I hate to see you being sad like this." I whispered, hugging her tightly. She buried her head into my chest and her hands clenched tightly onto my shirt as she cried onto my shirt.

I stayed quiet and comforted her while she cried. There's nothing i can do other than to be here for her. I'm glad that i came here. She don't need to survive the night by crying the entire time and wake up with swollen eyes and face.

"BamBam...He...cheated on me...I saw it with my own eyes...I can't believe this. We have been together for more than 1 year and he has been cheating on me for a long time. I felt being used. I should have confronted him about it when you told me your opinion, the times when i told you about his behavior and you told me what you thought about it. I should have talked to him about this and end things on a good note but in the end, we have to end things in a hard way, which is to let me see his dirty work behind my back.

Why did he do this to me? Am i not good enough? Am i a bad girlfriend? Am i not a good girlfriend to him? What am i missing? Did i not love him enough? He's so cruel to me." 

Mina-unnie explained once she has calmed down. Her grip on my shirt has loosened a bit. I patted her shoulder and back to comfort her.

"Don't think badly of yourself. You did nothing wrong in the relationship. You were just being a caring, loving and good girlfriend but he didn't appreciate and cherish you. He's not a good boyfriend in the relationship. I can't say who is at fault because yes, you should have talked to him once you have noticed it but at the same time, it's also his fault, mainly his, for not being loyal and kept lying to you. He should be honest to you by telling you straightly that he no longer loves you instead of cheating behind your back just because he has no more feelings. It's more better to just tell than do bad things behind your back because you ended up hurt and broken.

I hate to see you being sad and brokenhearted. But you have to move on from him. Your relationship with him is part of the past now. It's time to move on with your life, going forward and never make the same mistake by dating someone like him again. 

To me, you are the perfect girl that every boy and girl would wish to have as their love partner because you are just damn perfect at everything."

I said, assuring and comforting her.

"You're right. I should move on with my life and not sorrowed over the breakup and him. Thanks for being here, Tzuyu-ah~

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