Chapter 8

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Tzuyu's POV

I arrived at Chae's house along with Sana-unnie. We came here together since we got off from work. We simply went home to shower and wore casual clothes before going to the short girl's house.

"Gays! Hear this out!" Jihyo-unnie started, catching our attention. We sat in a circle on the floor, in the living room, and looking at the motherly leader.

"I went to Tzuyu's workplace and guess what the employees told me?" She said, sounding very excited while Sana-unnie and i knew what she's going to say as we face-palm, shaking our heads. 

"What? That you looked like someone who has been sent to the earth by god and to look after 8 kids?" Nayeon-unnie asked. She admitted that she's one of the 8 kids. Wow, that's great to hear that the oldest are admitting that she's a kid, finally.

"Thank you for the compliment but you're wrong." Jihyo-unnie said, smiling widely.

"Huh? Then they said that your eyes are really big?" Jeongyeon-unnie guessed and we laughed while Jihyo-unnie pouted, slapping her arm.

"NO!" She shouted which made us covered our ears.

"Then what?" Momo-unnie asked, wanting to know the answer.

"They told me that Sana-unnie and Tzuyu are like a couple! That's what they said! How could you guys not guess it?" She shouted at us again and we have to cover our ears, not wanting to go deaf.

"How are we supposed to know when you didn't give us any hints?" Dahyun asked, rolling her eyes while they nodded their heads, staring at Jihyo-unnie, who pouted in sadness.

"Anyway, i agree with what the staffs said. Because they surely are acting like one when they are not even dating at all." Chae spoke while i avoided eye-contact with them, looking elsewhere.

"Maybe we should play truth or dare and see if the both of them likes each other." Nayeon-unnie suggested which made me turned my head to look at her in disbelief.

"Yes, i'm being serious, Tzuyu. So don't give me that face." She told me and i just clicked my tongue, rolling my eyes.

"Then let's start with Nayeon-unnie since she's the one who suggested this game." I said and got a glare from the oldest girl but still went first.

"Hold on! Let's play this game with alcohol drinks! If you can't answer the truth or do the dare, then drink 1 full cup. How about that?" Jeongyeon-unnie asked with a suggestive tone. All of us went with the idea and started the game with Nayeon-unnie, as expected.

"Dare." She answered bravely.

"I dare you to dance sexily while looking into your girlfriend's eyes." Momo-unnie blurted out without thinking much. We gave her a thumbs up while Nayeon-unnie widened her eyes in shock, not expecting.

The oldest went to Jeongyeon-unnie, who seemed to have her face reddened as she watched her girlfriend dancing in a sexy and hot way.

We continued playing until it was my turn.

"I dare you to kiss your crush on the cheek, wait, no, on the lips." Dahyun dared with an evil smirk while the others looked at me with a teasing smile, except for Mina-unnie, who doesn't know what's going on.

Great. They must have heard from either Jihyo-unnie or Sana-unnie that i still have feelings for a certain Japanese girl.

Instead of doing the dare, i gulped down the cup in one sip while the others groaned in disappointment, expecting me to kiss a certain girl on the lips. I'm not going to let them have their way with me, not that easily and not when Mina-unnie is here. I might end up embarrassing myself and look like a fool in front of her.

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