Chapter 4

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Mina's POV

"So, when is Tzuyu coming back? Do you guys know?" I asked them curiously when i met them after they sent Tzuyu off at the airport.

"No, she didn't tell us. Looks like the family problem is really serious until she don't know when she will be coming back." Jihyo said and the others nodded their heads. I pouted in sadness and disappointment. This mean that i don't know when i will be able to see Tzuyu. I mean, i know i can video call or text her but not being able to see her in person makes me sad and miss her even more.

"I miss Tzuyu already!" Sana shouted and i agreed with her. I also miss the tall girl. I should have sent her off just now. If only BamBam didn't ask me to hang out with him, i would have gone with them.

"Shall we video call her?" Chaeyoung asked.

"But we don't know if she has arrived in Taiwan or not." Nayeon-unnie spoke while Jeongyeon-unnie took her phone out and started typing something.

"She already landed there so we can video call her." Jeongyeon-unnie said, reading from her phone. She texted Tzuyu, no wonder she got the information.

"Let's go to my house first then call her!" Dahyun said brightly and all of us nodded our heads.


Everyone started talking to Tzuyu on the phone, telling her how much they missed her already and want her back in South Korea, with them. Nayeon-unnie and Sana were already crying but the oldest girl cried the most. 

As usual, i remained quiet and i'm sure Tzuyu knew very well why. We have talked about this before, after all. I was glad once more that she was doing very good though i was aware that she has problems going on with her family but she still sounded so happy as if she's fine.

"Chae, could you turn off the speaker? My ears are really hurting right now." Tzuyu spoke from the other line. We are using Chaeyoung's phone for the phone call. Tzuyu doesn't want to video call, probably because she don't want to show us her face. She's pretty though so i don't get why she don't want to video call. Maybe because it's the struggles that she's having with her parents that made her not want to show her beautiful face. 

"Are you saying that we're loud?! You're so mean, Yoda-ah!" Jihyo shouted into the phone as Chaeyoung turned off the speaker mode. All of us covered our ears because of the train's loud voice.

"Oh, okay." The youngest girl talked to the tallest girl on the phone while all of us watched her intently, curious of what they are talking about.

"Mina-unnie, Tzuyu wants to talk to you privately so you can talk to her in any of the rooms." Chaeyoung spoke, handing me her phone while i nodded my head, mumbling a 'thanks' to her and went to one of the guest rooms.

"Hello, Tzuyu-ah?" -Me (I'm glad that we could talk, at least on the phone. I really miss talking to her)

"Hello, unnie. How are you doing?" -Tzuyu

"I'm fine. I should ask you the same. How is it with your family? Are you okay with them now?" -Me

"Um...I don't know? They are still nagging at me for the same thing and i always end up fighting with them." -Tzuyu

"What's the problem, anyway? It sounds so serious and your parents probably don't like what you are doing now." -Me

"They won't allow me to pursue the girl i love. They hate people who are LGBT. I'm fighting with them because of this." -Tzuyu (Wow...I didn't expect that...My parents are supportive while Tzuyu's parents are not...Wow...)

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