Chapter 6

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Tzuyu's POV

I must have stayed on roof for a long time because everyone was calling my phone and i could hear their loud voices inside, shouting my name. They are really loud when they want and need to.

The door opened and i didn't looked behind to see who. 

"Why are you here, Tzuyu-ah?" Sana-unnie came and sat down beside me on the bench. I let out a heavy sigh.

"I don't know why i'm here too." I told her.

"Did something happened?" She asked worriedly. She knew something was off about me. She knew me too well.

"Nothing happened. I just wanted to come here before becoming busy for our work." I said, not wanting to tell her what happened with me and Mina-unnie. It's a small matter so i shouldn't burden her with this small thing. I'm just making this look like a big matter. Sigh...I'm so childish...I should try to not let this kind of stupid thing get to me again.

"Right. We will be busy with the partnership project. We need to travel here and there which is quite troublesome." She spoke and i hummed, totally agreeing with her.

She leaned her head onto my shoulder as we stared at sky. We were silent until we heard the door slammed open, causing us to jump in scare and Sana-unnie lifted her head up.

"So, you guys were here this whole time! We have been looking for you 2 everywhere!" Jihyo-unnie scolded as she grabbed onto our ears and dragged us inside my house.

"Wow! You 2 must be dating each other!" Dahyun said teasingly once we sat down on the couch, in the living room.

"No, we are not. Right, unnie?" I said, turning my head to the older Japanese girl, who nodded her head.

"Yeah, she's right! We are not even a couple!" She said while the others just nodded their heads as if they don't know my feelings for Mina-unnie. 

Oh wait. They must be thinking that i have moved on already since i told them, except for Mina-unnie, that i went to Taiwan for that reason. The only ones who knew that i have not moved yet are Sana-unnie and Jihyo-unnie.

"Anyway, why are you guys still here? Sana-unnie and i have work tomorrow so we need to sleep early." I told them while they just shrugged their shoulders, not caring about the next day.

"If you guys end up late for anything you are supposed to attend, then don't come blame me for it." I said and sighed.

"Let's go home! Or else some might really end up waking up late tomorrow, like Momo!" Nayeon-unnie shouted while the mentioned girl glared at the oldest girl.

Soon, the others went home and i went to my room only to get another jump scare.

"I thought you went home already, unnie." I said and went to sit down beside her on my bed. Was she here the entire time after i left the room?

"You said i could stay here for the night." Mina-unnie told me, turning her head to look at me with timid eyes.

"Ah...Have you showered?" I asked since she was still wearing the same clothes.

"No...I didn't bring any clothes with me." She shook her head and pouted. She looks so cute!

"Then you can take mine. I don't mind, anyway." I told her and she smiled, her eyes sparkling with hopes and happiness.

She then went to my wardrobe and chose a plain white shirt and a pair of black shorts. Damn, is she trying to seduce me or something? The shirt is too big for her. She looks so hot and sexy but at the same time, gorgeous and cute. Damn, she's so perfect for me. But too bad, she's taken.

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