Chapter 9

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Tzuyu's POV

"Tzuyu, it seems like Dahyun is coming here with someone." Sana-unnie told me while i was preparing for my upcoming meeting.

"Huh? Today, out of nowhere? Is it last minute informed?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yeah, it is. She just told me today when we were on the phone just now." She said, nodding her head with a frown.

Dahyun is coming here, out of the blue? Moreover, with someone too? Who is she bringing?

"Ask Dahyun if it's urgent to meet us now." I told her and she nodded her head, taking her phone out and typing on it, texting the pale-skinned girl.

"She said she don't know. The girl she's bringing is the one who wants to talk to you." Sana-unnie read the message out loud from her phone. Who is she bringing? 

I'm going to have a meeting soon and this girl, that Dahyun brought, wants to meet me. I don't know if it's an urgent matter for this girl. What should i do?

"Sana-unnie, can the meeting be held tomorrow?" I asked her and she checked the schedules.

"Yup, can." She answered with a small smile.

"Okay. Please inform them that the meeting will be held tomorrow, instead of today. I got things to attend to for today." I told her and she nodded her head with a smile as she went to inform the business people, who were going to attend the meeting today.

I don't want to make the girl wait for so long. Luckily, the meeting can be held the next day so there's nothing much to worry about.

I dialed Dahyun's phone number.

"Hello, Dahyun-ah. Bring the girl to my office once you arrived. I will be waiting for her here." I told her and hung up the call before she could say anything.

Let's see who is this girl.

After minutes, the door slammed open, startling me. I looked up and was surprised to see Mina-unnie here. She seemed to run here since she was panting heavily. I immediately went to her side, wrapping an arm around her waist and walked her to the couch.

"Why are you here? Don't tell me Dahyun brought you here!" I said and she nodded her head, breathless. I went to get water and handed to her as i watched her gulped down the water. She must be thirsty after running from wherever Dahyun dropped her off to my office.

She took a deep breath in and out before looking at me sternly, which surprised me a little.

"Do you love me?" She asked out of nowhere and i was taken aback.

"Yeah, of course!" I answered her and she didn't looked convinced. Is she trying to make me confess my feelings? Wait...Don't tell me she noticed my feelings for her! Damn it!

"I mean more than as a best friend." She said seriously and i gulped nervously. I inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Yes, i love you more than that. I love you. Myoui Mina, would you be my girlfriend?" I confessed and asked the question. I started squealing on the inside but stayed cool on the outside, calming myself down. I offered her my hand out, waiting for her answer. I was super nervous. Would she say no? Would she say yes? What would she answer?

"Yes, of course i would love to." She said and held my hand while i was stunned on my spot, not believing what i just heard.

"Really?" I asked in confirmation and she nodded her head. I started crying and immediately hugged her, swinging her around while she screamed, hitting me. I stopped and put her down.

"You're finally mine. Finally. I have been trying to move on but the moment i heard that you broke up, i thought that i have a chance. I didn't expect you to love me the same way since i didn't court you at all." I told her with a lovely smile and she smiled back at me the same way.

"Yes, i'm finally yours now. I'm sorry for making you suffer. Sorry for the long wait, Tzuyu-ah. I'm here now, being your girlfriend now. Let's be together forever and never break apart. Okay?" She said, placing her forehead on mine. Our faces were so close! I want to kiss her lips! I tried to remain calm on the outside.

"Okay. We will be together until the last day comes. We will stay with each other until the last day on this earth." I told her and we kissed for the first time. It's my first kiss and it's taken by my crush aka my girlfriend. Finally, i have been saving my first kiss for her. I'm glad that it's worth saving it. I'm relieved that i still have feelings for her. I was glad that i have not moved on yet. Or else i won't end up where i am right now, being here, confessing and asking her to be mine.

I didn't moved on and i was glad for that. I will continue to love her, no matter what happens to us. Plus, we will overcome things together from now on.

Myoui Mina, i love you and always will.

~~~~THE END~~~~

Hey guys!

Hope you enjoy this story even though it has less chapters >_<

I will be updating my one shot book whenever i have ideas and there are requests ><

So you wont feel that bored, hopefully

The next story status: TBC, sadly as i need to focus on my upcoming exams which are coming in December, which is next month :(

So see you guys until my exams are over!

Have fun and a nice day ahead! >< :) ^_^

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