Chapter 3

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Tzuyu's POV

A lot of employees looked at me and asked me if i was alright or not but i just rushed to my office quickly, ignoring the questions and stares on me by the staffs.

"Oh, Tzuyu-ah! You're back!" Sana-unnie greeted me when i entered my office. Why is she here?

"Tzuyu? Did something happen? Did she say something that hurts you?" She asked worriedly, running to me and placing her palms on my cheeks, which made me looked up at her since i was looking down the entire time.

"It hurts. My heart really hurts." I ended up tearing up even though i didn't mean to cry in front of Sana-unnie. 

"Shh. It's okay. I'm here. Just tell me everything you want to say. I'm here for you and everything is going to be just fine with me around." The older girl spoke, hugging me and patting my hair. I told her everything as i cried and my tears made her shirt drenched. 

It seems like we were moving because Sana-unnie moved, which made me moved along with her since we were still hugging each other. She turned me around before putting me down on a chair, which i knew it's my chair. Once i'm seated down, she sat on my lap. I was so confused at why she is sitting on my lap out of nowhere. We have our arms wrapped around each other. Sana-unnie wrapped hers around my nape while i wrapped mine around her waist.

"Why are you sitting on my lap? What's happening?" I asked, my voice shaking since i just cried. I looked up at the older girl, who was smiling at me.

"You can cry on me all you want. Just let your feelings out and not keep them inside you. I don't want our legs to get tired so might as well just sit like this. It's better this way since you can hug me as tight as you want. I'm just doing this to comfort you." She said, wiping the tears on my cheeks, that were still coming out from my eyes, with a sweet assuring smile.

What she did was enough to make me sobbed again. I was touched by her sweet and kind gesture. I hugged her tighter to me but not that tight until she can't breathe. I buried my face into her chest, making her shirt wet because of my tears. I felt guilty for making her shirt drenched but i couldn't help to cry again.

"I feel like running away from here, from this place. I want to go somewhere that doesn't have her, doesn't remind me of her, doesn't keep on bothering my mind that she's already taken and doesn't make me remember the fact that we can't be together at all." I blurted out in between my sobs while the older girl was comforting my back and hair.

"I feel so hurt. My chest and heart hurts, a lot. I don't know what to do. It's really hard to move on..." I said, my voice became softer.

"How about taking a leave for work so you can have some alone time to think about it?" Sana-unnie asked with a suggestive and gentle tone.

"I guess i should do that. Maybe i should go back to Taiwan..." I said without thinking and the older girl pulled away from me, looking at me with a shocked face.

"So sudden? You really want to move on or run away?" She asked with disbelief and surprised.

Her question got me thinking. Am i doing this so i could run away from Mina-unnie or move on from her? Running away would mean that i'm escaping my problems and not wanting to think about it. Moving on would be forgetting my feelings about her and continue going forward with my life but we will still remain as best friends. However, running away...Will we still be able to be friends if i escape? Will i be able to continue going forward with my life, with my feelings for Mina-unnie present in me, if i run away from my problems and her?

I think i should move on. I don't want to lose my precious friendship, that we have for years, with Mina-unnie. We are best friends and we will and always will be by each other's side. It's a better choice to move on instead of running away.

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