14 [let's fly]

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Today was the day all of the Ducks had been waiting for; the championship game against the Hawks.

Since everyone was nervous for the upcoming game the locker room was mostly quiet. Except for Averman, Goldberg, and Karp, when they get nervous they talk. a lot. and tell bad jokes.

Willow had a bad feeling in her gut, like she had a lump of coal moving around in her stomach. She quickly dismissed it as pre-game jitters.

Wil was sat next to Averman, so when Peter got tired of him, he turned to her. "So how's your crush Willow" Averman smirked. She took her shin guard and hit him in the shoulder with it. "Ow that hurt."

"Mission accomplished." He turned back to Peter still rubbing his shoulder.

Wil was done putting her shin guards, shorts, and her other bottom gear on and was putting on her skates when someone sat down next to her.

She expected it to be Connie. "You're a little late Cons." To her surprise when she looked up it wasn't Connie sitting next to her, it was Jesse.

"You nervous for the game?" Jesse asked looking through his bag for his shin guards.

"Definitely, but I always am." Wil finished tying her skates and sat back for a second drinking her water.

Jesse sighed. "Look I might not have wanted you on the team before, but your a duck now. besides if everyone else accepted you then I..." He trailed off, "at least you tried to be nice to us. Adam was mean; not you"

Willow smiled. "Yeah, never really liked being a Hawk anyway. But don't bash Adam, he's a good guy once you got to know him. He just felt like he had to do it to be accepted by the Hawks. He just wanted to play hockey and didn't think there was another choice."

"That still doesn't make him any better" Jesse said continuing to put his gear on.

He was right, but she still knew they would come around and become friends.

I just hoped it's sooner than later.

Jesse and Willow talked before Coach told them they had to go out on the ice for warmups. Willow grabbed all her hair and tied it away from her face then put an bandanna on to keep the fallout hair away from her eyes eyes- A trick she learned from Fulton- Then grabbed her helmet, stick, and water before walking out with Jesse.

After a few minute warmup the Ducks had formed a line, same as the Hawks, for the national anthem.

Willow was in front of adam. Everyone on the Hawks team would occasionally look at Adam and Wil with a disgusted look. But McGill and Larson wouldn't look away. Everyone in the arena could feel the tension even if they didn't know the full extent of it.

After the anthem finished the teams skated to their benches. As always we did our quack cheer to get hyped up.

As Adam and Jesse we're getting on the ice Jesse turned to him. "Hey banks, don't forget what side you're on."

Coach put a hand on Jesse's shoulder "He knows he's a Duck Jes."

Willow turned to him, "At least let it go for one game."

Adam took the face off against McGill. Willow took right wing next to Larson.

"Traitor." Willow heard Larson mumble.

She scoffed and got into position "You are so on."

The puck dropped and Adam and McGill went for it. McGill pushed Adam into Willow and Larson pushed us back into McGill who in turn pushed us flat on the ice.

Adam fell straight onto Wil's chest. "Ow. Assholes." She said getting up with some help from Adam.

"Just keep playing" He said skating away.

The Hawks had the puck in our zone. Guy had bolted to the Hawk player that had the puck and pushed him done. Adam skated by and got the puck to skated it up the ice. He shot and missed.

Larson got the puck from behind the net and skated up. He passed back to a guy an his team but his other player missed the puck. One of the other Hawks eventually got the puck and shot it against the boards.

Willow went after it and wrapped around the net.

"Wil two coming hard" she heard Charlie yell to her.

Willow passed the puck up to Charlie then turned to look at who he was warning her about. She didn't have time to react before being checked against the boards.

"Yep, that hurt too" Wil said. She laid there for a second. Her arm had gotten caught underneath her causing her shoulder to twist in a weird direction. Before Wil had even gotten up yet Larson got a pass and scored. That meant it was now 1-0.

Guy noticed she hadn't gotten up and quickly skated to her. "You okay?" he asked holding out his hand.

"I think so" she said grabbing his hand and pulling herself up. "Thanks" Wil slowly skated to the bench.

Guy had the puck, skated up and passed to Jesse. Jesse got knocked down. Banks grabbed the puck and shot, although he missed.

The Hawks had the puck and were skating up. They passed to McGill. Goldberg came out too far out of the goal, giving mcgill an open shot.

2-0 great.

McGill passed too a Brown and scored. Again.


"Don't be scared of them Ducks. That's what they want." Bombay said "Keep your heads up. Play proud. Let's fly!" He said hyping us up again. We all cheered.

Charlie got the puck and passed to Banks. Adam skated up with McGill on his tail. Willow wasn't to far behind incase of a rebound.

Banks shot it right as mcgill pushed him to the ground. Wil watched as Adam slid right into the goal post.

"Oh no."

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