Kim HongJoong

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"KIM Y/N!!!!!"
"Yes madam!"
"Sleep again inside my class?GET OUT NOW!"

Yah Yah Kim Y/N.Why did you fall asleep again..Haish pabo..You look around the corner of your class and starts walking to your favourite place.Rooftop.Enjoying the view you take a deep breath..Till when you should be like this.Work every late night with some random works..How should you focus on your studies.You lost your family in a car accident so literally you need to survive on your own at the age of 19.Unlike others teenagers who spend their young and wild life,you just a normal girl who need to works just to prevent yourself from starving.

"Should i stop my studies and just work?Pointless if i always miss my classes and sleep during the lesson."

School bell ring noisy enough waking you up from your deep thoughts.You get yourself up and return back to your class..Everyone is gone you guess..Packing all your stuff you pluck in your earphones and Ateez Answer playing on the playlist.On your way back home you accidentally bump on someone which you quickly bow and apologize.

"Oh my god.I am really sorry i dont meant to bump on-"

"Hey chill young lady.Im fine"

The unknown man look at you with his giggle..Damn..He is so good looking tho..Without realizing you keep on stares at him which he realized it.

"I know im handsome but dont have to stare at me like that duh.Btw mind if i have your number?So that we could catch up ya know" said the man while scratching his neck shyly.

"Ah haha but we are strangers tho..ya know what i mean.Unless we already know each other" you said just as a precaution.

He look at you and out of nowhere tuck your hair behind your ears before whisper something "Then let know each other.How you expect us to be friend if you being so litty careful beautiful" He smirks before wink and hand in his handphone for you to dial your number.

A bit of hesistation,you dial your number and save it as "Kim Y/N". "Kim Y/N,what a beautiful name just like the owner. Btw im Kim HongJoong..I need to go right now but i will hit you up later..Take care" he hug you before walks away leaving you with blush. OH MY GOD !


Since that incident,you and hongjoong became a good friend before he confess to you a month after that.Of course you accepted after you guys know each other.You were such a lovely couple and he really takes care of you like a princess.He even help you with your studies since he graduated already..Things going well and today is your 3rd month with him so you decided to visit him and give a bit surprise..You bake cakes and cookies since he a sweet tooth person..Getting all the stuff ready you hurry to his workplace excitedly.While on the way you cant stop imagines how he gonna react..His smile and his laugh..You didnt call him when you reach the building of his workplace but called Seonghwa his bestfriend to meet you.Few mins later you hear a deep voice calling you,you turn around and it is Seonghwa. "Hye Y/N..Whats up?". You smile and show cake and some stuff. "Im coming for Jongie of course..He is here right?" Till then Seonghwa gives you nervously look. "Y-yeah." Weird but you just ignore your feelings and give him a sign to lead the way to his office. Entering the lift you feel so excited meanwhile Seonghwa just keep queit before he said "Y/N,whatever happen we are sorry." You look at him before he hug you and show you Hongjoong room. "I need to go because i have something to do.Bye y/n" and again he hug me before leaving me with a lot of questions.

You nearly open Hongjoong rooms when you hear the sounds of woman moan and skin slapping.You froze for a moment.Your hand start shaking and your legs trembling.You stood there till they finish making out.
"Oppa,thats your rewards for your dare in dating a girl for 3 months.You really do make me jealous tho" the woman said receiving a kiss from Hongjoong. "Aigoo my baby jealous?Dont worry baby.Im gonna break up with her after all.She just a toy for me to get you back"

The conversation stop when they hear a sound of things drop..Without waiting anymore you run away and back to your apartment. Hongjoong opens the door to see anyone is there but only a cakes and cookies..He pick up the cake and a card with Y/N handwritting..He start to drive back to Y/N apartment.

You cried alone at the edge of your apartment rooftop..It was all a lie from the beginning..You being used.You just a toy Y/N..You cant stop crying because its hurt you so much since you really loves Hongjoong.You cant take it anymore..You move forward till your feet half in the air..

Hongjoong POV

You were back at the apartment but she is not there.You wonder where she is.Guilt start eating you up..You sit on the couch when you feel something on your butt..You stand up to see a broken potrait of you with Y/N.All of sudden you feel like you made a wrong decision..You need to admit you were wrong using her as a toy but you cant deny the feeling start growing and you start loving her..You call her and look inside her room.You feel uneasy and rush to the rooftop because it was Y/N habit to relax at the rooftop when she have a bad day..You shock to see Y/N standing over the edge ready to jump off. But its too late.She jump off and you pass out.

Thanks oppa for everything.You know you are the best and i love you so much.
-You love,Kim Y/N-

You cried read her letter that she wrote before she gone.. I am sorry Y/N.Im really sorry.I dont realised that i love you too.Can you just come back to me?I miss you babe. You look at the potrait and kiss at Y/N pic..Everything has turn gloomy since you were gone.So do Hongjoong....


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