Night of Passion (⚠️Chandler smut ⚠️)

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     Sitting on the edge of Heather's bed you let out a soft huff. She had been going on and on what Veronica had done that night. You could practically feel the heat of her rage radiating off of her.

     You undid your black blazer which you honestly hated wearing but put up with to keep up appearances. Plus, Chandler insisted that you do, and what the Queen says is the law.

     Standing up you slipped the blazer off your shoulders and set it on her chair in front of her vanity. Softly you began to hum to yourself and unbutton your shirt.

   "Ugh!" They outraged cry sounded from the bathroom. It wasn't the first time you had heard it that night but you prayed it would be the last.

     "Let me guess, your blazer is ruined." Walking into the bathroom your eyes landed on the red-headed girl as she threw said garment to the floor in disgust.

She shot you a glare that if you were anyone but yourself, you would be running for the hills. Luckily heather had never really intimidated you all that much, that's part of what her to you.

    Instead, your arms wrapped around her waist and your lips met her ear. "She was drunk love, I'm sure she didn't mean it," You knew good and well Veronica meant it, well, maybe not the vomiting part. Heather relaxed against you considerably causing you to smile as she leaned against you. "It was her first party, we're all drunk and it's over. We can deal with her tomorrow." Your tone was soothing and calm.

    Heather's eyes slipped shut and she let out a soft breath. "For now," you whispered before pressing kisses to her jaw. "Let us enjoy ourselves and relax. You can plot her demise later." With that, you turned Heather's head enough to connect your lips with her plump, deep red ones.

    Her lips were soft and pillowy fitting perfectly against yours. The taste of alcohol was still very prominent on her lips, it was a good thing you had driven back to her place. While she wants the drunkest her intoxication mixed with her rage surely would have caused you to crash. Pulling back you gently turned her so that she was fully facing you before lifting her up on to the counter end getting between her legs.

You placed one of your hands on each of her thighs before looking into her eyes with a smirk on your face. Her left hand tangled in your hair while her right trailed along your jaw in a feathery touch. You leaned up and reconnected your lips. Heather couldn't contain the moan that escaped her when you pushed your tongue into her mouth, exploring all you could.

You groaned as she drew your bottom lip between her teeth and gently tugged on it. You moved your lips down to her neck and couldn't stop yourself from gently sucking and nipping at it. You wanted to feel, to taste all of her, and that's exactly what you intended on doing.

Spurred in by her moans as you placed open mouth kisses to her neck, you hooked your arms under her and lifted her up as you slammed your mouth into her's in a heated kiss. You probably shouldn't have been so forceful as your teeth clashed together but you honestly couldn't give less of a fuck as she wrapped her legs around your waist.

  You have her ass a firm squeeze earning another moan from the red-clad girl. Her nails began dragging along your scalp and down the back of your neck. It was driving you mad. Before you even knew what you were doing you walked her out to her bed and threw her onto it.

   She looked up at you from the bed through lidded eyes causing a rush of heat to ignite in your stomach. Your eyes scanned over her flushed cheeks and kiss swollen lips as you took the time to slowly, oh so teasingly slowly rid yourself of your clothes.

   Her eyes scanned over your now half-naked form hungrily. "Hurry up will you?" She rushed as her eyes flicked to yours. A deep chuckle rumbled in your chest as you crawled in between her legs and reattached your lips to her neck. "Patience darling. There's no need to worry," your lips trailed up to her ear. "I'll have you screaming my name in no time." You whispered before nibbling on her ear.

   Moving your knee further in between her legs you pressed it tightly against her aching pussy. A high pitched whimper left her as she dug her nails into your shoulders, causing you to hiss. Even though the layers of fabric covering her you could still feel that she was incredibly wet. "Jesus Red," you gasped. You quickly undid her pants and tugged them off, taking her panties with them.

  You swiped your fingers in between her folds and bit your lip. "This all for me?" You taunted as you removed the rest of her clothes, pressing kisses along her body as you went.  "Can it Y-Y/N!" She gasped and arched her back as you took one of her nipples into your mouth while pressing down on her clit.

  You made sure to swirl your tongue around her nipple, not stopping your assault on it or her clit until it was rock hard. Pulling away from it with a pop you looked over at her with a gleeful smirk. "You were saying, Heather?" All she could do was send a half-hearted glare your way as you gently rubbed small circles on her aching clit.

  You looked into her eyes and pressed down hard causing her eyes to snap shut and for her to let out a sharp moan. "That's what I thought." You chuckled before pressing a sloppy kiss to her other breast and leaving a large hickey on it. Your thumb had left Heater's clit and just as she opened her mouth to protest you moved up and captured her lips in a heated kiss.

  She melted into it and whimpered at the sheer force of the kiss. Meanwhile, you had moved your fingers further down her folds and began to tease her entrance. Heather's hips bucked wildly in an attempt to show you how much she wanted you. You already knew how much she wanted you, she had practically soaked through the bed sheets already.

  "Don't tease," She whispered breathlessly as she pulled away from the kiss, a thin layer of sweat already appearing in her forehead.

"Oh Darlin, you're not the one callin the shot here-"

"Please Y/N! Please!" Something in your snapped at her words. All resolve to tease her had left you as you quickly slammed two fingers inside of her right, sipping pussy. "Goddamn Heather." You groaned at the feeling as she let out a loud scream of pleasure. You wasted no time and quickly began to pump your fingers in and out of her, kissing along her neck and collar bone harshly.

  Something about hearing Heather Chandler beg for you to fuck her awakened something absolutely primal inside of you. Her moans and soft pleas only encouraged you to pound into her harder and faster. Her perfectly manicured nails dug deep and hard into your back causing you to he out a hiss. There would definitely be marks there in the morning.

  The sounds that filled the air were nothing but erotic as Heather begged and screamed your name. Admittedly your arm was begging to cramp but you honestly couldn't care less. As long as you got to hear those beautiful whimpers of hers's you wouldn't be stopping anytime soon. You once again applied pressure to her clit and bit down on her shoulder causing her eyes to roll back in pure ecstasy.

  Her walls closed in around your fingers and you could tell she was dangerously close to her release. "Don't stop, please, don't you dare stop." She pleaded desperately for her release.

  "I wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart." You said before leaving a trail of angry red marks down the valley of her breasts. You curled your fingers inside of her and caused her to completely unravel.

  "Y/N!" She cried out as her body began to shake violently from her release. You pumped your finger through her to help her ride it out. Her moans became more and more sob like causing you to whisper sweet words and praises in her ear as she came down from her high.

  Once she had completely finished you pulled your fingers out of her and licked them clean before pressing an almost loving kiss to Heather's lips. "Anywhere hurt at all?" You asked as you launched right into aftercare. You'd take care of your own need later, Heather was clearly far too worn out to do anything about it.

"Well," she breathed out. "I'm going to be very sore in the morning." She panted. You couldn't help but chuckle and shake your head. You stood up and walked to the bathroom. "Stay here, I'm going to run you a bath and then wash everything off, including your blazer." You added as you walked into the bathroom.

"It's not like I can go anywhere," she called from the bed. "I'm not sure I can even walk!"

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