Poly!Heathers+Veronica x Reader

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    You came home one day exhausted from your job. You opened your door to see Veronica on the couch. "Hey, babe." She smiled at you. All you could muster in your exhaustion was a small smile and a small "Hey." in reply.

  You set your car keys down and closed the door locking it. You let out a small sigh as you took off your shoes and headed to the kitchen. You saw that the sink was full of dishes and the dishwasher hadn't been emptied.

  With a more irritated sigh, you got to work, first unloading the dishes and then rinsing and scrubbing the dirty ones.

  You could feel your energy leaving your body. Now when you were tired there were three possible versions of you.

  A, you would be on the floor bawling your eyes out. B, you get extremely silly, you might as well be drunk. And last but not least C, you become horribly angry and aggressive.

You could feel anger bubbling up inside you as you scrubbed the dishes gripping the sponge so hard your hand shook. You clenched your jaw and got lost in thought until you were brought back to reality by a delicate hand on your shoulder. You froze your shoulders going ridged.

  "Y/N, are you okay? You've been scrubbing that one plate for the past two minutes... it's clean." You turned your head to see the smallest of your girlfriend's staring up at you. You took a deep breath and looked at the plate in your hands. You placed it into the dishwasher and said. "I'm fine." your tone harsher then you wanted it to be.

  Mac physically pulled back. She had a slightly sad expression on her face as she said. "Oh...okay." You didn't notice, however, you were to busy with your own anger and the task at hand. She stuffed away and sat with Ronnie on the couch. Veronica had seen the whole thing go down and frowned at the both of you.

  Heather Chandler came down and smirked at you. "You're finally home doing something useful." She said with a playful smirk. Usually, you would have a witty come back, you and Heather loved banter. However, in your current state of mind, you couldn't stand it. You sent a would crushing glare her way as you let out a shaky breath.

  Heather, never being one to back down, for once in her life shrunk under your gaze. Her smirk was replaced with a deep frown as she walked over to where Mac and Veronica were. "What the hell is her problem?" Heather asked Ronnie. Before Ronnie could even think to answer you slammed your fists into the counter causing the three girls to visibly jump.

  "My goddamn problem is that I'm tired and constantly have to come home to bullshit like this!" You said your voice raised. You hadn't quite yelled but the effect was terrifying none the less. Chandler, Mac, and Ronnie were speechless. Your chest heaved as you closed your eyes trying to calm down.

   Now everyone had their bad days but this was different. They had never seen you so angry before. All of them were deathly quiet as you stormed upstairs pushing past Duke who had started to come down after hearing all the commotion.

  She started after you in shock and then turned to the others. "What the hell happened?" Mac was leaning on Veronica who was comforting them. Chandler was starting off into the distance a from on her face. "For the first time ever, Y/N raised her voice at us." Ronnie sighed.

"Y/N never yells...what did you guys do?" Duke said completely perplexed. In all the time you had been in a relationship with the girls, you had never ever raised your voice. Not once, so all of this completely blindsided them. "I feel like an asswhole." Chandler mumbled under her breath. She looked to the stairs and sighed. Mac looked up at her. "She's just tired is all."

"We should apologize." Ronnie spoke up. "What the hell for?" Duke asked," I didn't do anything."

Ronnie rolled her eyes. "Anyone of us could have done the dishes, we didn't have to leave them for her." Duke opens her mouth to say something but immediately closes it. "Fine." she says after a moment.

  Ronnie gets up and leads the way. She had dated you for the longest so they all agreed it would be better if she went first. They made it to the room you were staying in and knocked on the door.

"What?" You said harshly from the other side. They all exchanged a worried look before Veronica spoke up. "Can we come in?"


  Mac started to get anxious and said, " Y/N?" in a small voice. It broke your heart. You finally got up and opened the door looking down at all of them. You were about two inches taller then Chandler. She wouldn't meet your eye at first. "I'm sorry guys, " You said after a moment to everyone's shock. You looked down and away from them. "I shouldn't have snapped at you. None of you did anything wrong." You felt a few tears threaten to fall but you wouldn't let them.

  "What the fuck are you saying you're sorry for?" You head snapped up ad Chandler's voice. You tilted your head and went to open your mouth but she cut you off. "We're the ones who are sorry. I shouldn't have made that stupid comment. Any of us could have done those dishes." You blinked and looked at all of them. A small smile crossed your face.

  You pulled Mac to you and hugged her tight. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier." You whispered. She just nodded and hugged back. You looked at the rest and tilted your head towards the bed. You lead them in and plopped onto the bed.

   You laid on your back and Mac laid on top of you. You gestured for everyone else to join. Veronica curled up on her side with Heather spooning her. Duke laid on your other side and you wrapped your arm around her waist pulling her to you. Chandler and Duke pulled the covers over all of you.

  You felt your eyes start to droop as you let yourself relax. You closed your eyes and let yourself sleep.

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