Cheater (Duke) pt.2

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A/N: this is a longgggggg overdue part 2

It had been a few weeks since you had found out about Heather's little affair. You couldn't tell which of you was the laughingstock of Westernburg. On one hand, people were calling you stupid and saying that the signs were blatantly obvious. On the other people felt for you and expressed that they thought heather was dead wrong for what she did to you.

Veronica, Mac, and surprisingly Chandler became your rocks through the whole ordeal. Red was exceedingly upset after finding out what Heather had done. She damn near kicked Heather from the group, had it not been for Duke's namesake she would have been kicked to the curb.

Nonetheless, you stayed far away from Duke after that. You refused to speak to her in public or private. She had completely broken your trust and made your life a living hell. You lost count of the number of times you cried in Veronica and Mac's arms.

  You stopped eating, wallowing in your own self-pity. You shut yourself off from the world, not wanting to face anyone after word broke about the whole situation.

It all came to a head on the second week of you not leaving your room except for food and bathroom breaks. Like clockwork, there was a soft knock at your door indicating that your mother had brought you the school work Veronica had dropped off.

With a sigh, you opened the door only to be greeted by Veronica, Mac, and Chandler all standing in your hallway.

  "W-what are you doing here?" You asked in a voice that was raspy from your most recent session of crying. "Gonna let us in?" Chandler said asked looking characteristically bored already. Veronica shot her a sharp glare before turning back to you. As she opened her mouth to speak you cut her off. "Yeah...yeah come in." Rubbing your swollen eyes you stepped back into your room and walked back over to your bed.

"Don't mind the mess, I wasn't exactly expecting visitors." You grumbled as you plopped back down on your bed and looked up at the ceiling, resting your hands on your stomach. Veronica and Mac soon joined you on the bed, mimicking your position. You could head Chandler give a soft groan before joining you a moment later which told you that Mac or Veronica had silently threatened her in some way.

  You all stayed there, silently staring at your blank ceiling. The only thing blanker was your stare.

"Did I deserve it?"

Your soft voice had startled the girls "What? No!" It was your turn to be startled at Chandler's quick reaction. "I will admit I never expected Duke to be so stupid. I knew she was an idiot but not that much of one," she started as she sat up. "I mean have you seen you? You are very above average which is more than she can say, her cheating on someone like you was probably one of the dumbest things she could have done for her reputation." You blinked at Heather's response before tilting your head. "Thanks?" You know she had meant well but her saying that you were good for Duke's rep didn't exactly make you feel any better.

Catching on to the looks she was gaining form you guys she sighed and looked down before starting again. "What I mean is, she is an idiot for doing something like this. It cost her a relationship with one of the best people I know." You paused, waiting for her to continue. When it was clear that she wasn't you couldn't help but crack a small smile.

"Thank you, Red." You said softly. You knew it was hard for her to show so much emotion towards you all so it truly did do a lot to ease the ache in your heart.

"Alright now enough of this sappy stuff, it's time to get you back in the game." She said elegantly hopping off the bed and walking over to her bag. You sat up giving Mac and Ronnie a confused look. "We can't let you sit here and wallow forever," Mac said with a wide smile. "You need to get out there and show Westernburg and most importantly Heather, that you are still a badass, kickass, drop-dead gorgeous girl," Veronica said with a glint in her eyes, what it was a glint of you couldn't exactly tell.

"Guys I don't know about this..." Chandler shot you a look. "You've been in this room for 2 weeks. It reeks of desperation and Heathers do not reek." She said sternly before grabbing you and pushing you into the hallway and towards the shower. "Go wash rid yourself of all that nasty sadness."

Once out of the shower the girls outright to work restoring you to your pre-cheating form. Soon you were feeling more like yourself. You looked in the mirror and smiled softly as you posed and turned to examine yourself. "This feels soooooo much better." You admitted with a sigh of relief.

As the girls smiled at you through the mirror you couldn't help but feel like a weight had been lifted from your chest. It felt amazing knowing that you had three, while slightly unconventional, still loving and loyal best friends who were at your side when one of their own betrayed you in the worst way.

Knowing that they had you back, you knew that you could take Duke, rumors, and the world head-on. Because you were Y/N fucking L/N, and no one would stand in your way again.

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