You were good to me

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long chapter ahead 💕
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Zoe's Pov
I Watched as the medics moved pin onto the stretcher as i cried into jades  shoulder.

I followed the medics next to pin  wanting to be at his side at all costs.

They pull the stretcher into the ambulance when a lady in uniform comes over and approaches me.

> is he going to be okay

The nurse replied
> We can't make any promises your friend there is lucky to be alive,

i remembered then his father was back in the states visiting a friend.

> Can i come with him
i managed to get out

> sure, Can you please tell me his name so we can contact his parents?

> Pi..

i stopped myself

> Peter Hawthorn
i said clearly.

> As in the duke?
she asked with a look on her face that i could only describe as shock.

> Yes.
Becky said as she rubbed my back still trying to calm me down.

> I'm sorry but, for safety reasons you can't come with us.
she said with a guilty look

> what
i say a little angry by this he was my boyfriend why the hell could i not go with him

Susie > it's okay we can drive and meet you there

Nurse > Can someone notify his parents

just then marcus comes over
Marcus> i already phoned his dad he's on the next flight home.

the nurse nodded even tho i knew it was her job i still resented her for not letting me come with him.

The doors to the ambulance shut as the sped down the road rushing home to the hospital leaving me standing there crying into becky and jades shoulder.

> Where's raven
i ask after finally gaining strength to talk

Marcus > don't worry Mia and Gabby are bringing the horses back to the stables

i nodded again feeling the sudden urge to cry
it's valentine's day and all i wanted was pin to be standing next to me with his arms around my waist tucked into his side as he kissed my forehead but instead i'm alone and he's in a ambulance fighting for his life.

Susie pulls up in Marcus's  Truck

> what about callum where's callum
i ask the poison lacing my words

Alex> Leave him up to us well take care of him
he says gestureing to marcus

Marcus > oh and one more thing Ted said something about official paperwork the hospital would need if y'all could pick that up on the way.

Becky > on it

Me Becky and Jade we all three haul into the back seat while susie drives down the road to Pins place.

we all pile out of the car as jade susie and becky make plans to get the paper work but i completely tune them out barley hearing the words the speak.

it's almost as if i was in auto pilot

They all head inside as i stand by the baby blue railing remembering when i had to convince pin to come with me to nationals.

I walk inside the house
as i hear susie say my name
but i couldn't hear what i walk up to pins room.

when i open the door i take in the atmosphere it's so, so... Pin.

I look over to see the music radio i gave to pin to help with the sick war-pony.  i set the radio back down before i walk over to his closet.

opening it i grab they green hoddie i gave back to him when he went to holoway.

The jacket smelled like pin. it was calming. i slipped the jacket on over my shirt
i look down to realize my pants were still wet from when i went into the water, i they slipped some of my leggings i left over here on.

I walk over to pins night stand before sitting down on the bed i see a framed picture i had never noticed until now it was a picture of me and pin at nationals he had his arm slung around my shoulder and i had both arms wrapped around his chest.

tears once again began to surface as i remembered he was fighting for his life and i couldn't be with him cause of some stupid nurse.

Just then there was a knock at the door

> come in
i say wiping tears out of my eyes

the door opened it to reveal susie and becky

becky >are you ready to go to the hospital ?

i simply nodded knowing if i tried to speak i would start crying even more.

Pin is the best boyfriend i could ever ask for he's the only person who gets me besides raven he is my best friend, my everything he is so good to me a single tear falls as more threatened to spill

the three girls wrap there arms around me

please be okay i whisper out.

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