Future Duches

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So it's currently 4:02 am and i'm still writing so prolly the last chapter tonight more coming in the afternoon since that's when i will most likely wake up :)
Zoe's Pov
We are currently sitting in the waiting room where we have been for almost 2 hours now they're still not letting anyone see him.
Marcus called his Dad but there is still no news
he could be dead and we wouldn't even know they are only releasing information to family and his dad was in another country.

I really need to see him to know that he's okay i tap my foot anxiously awaiting for anything.

I stand up causing our friends to look over at me. i walk up to the desk

> Is there any news about Peter Hawthorn?

nurse > The duke? she questions

> yes

nurse> I'm sorry i don't have clearance to give your information Only family.

> Please can you juts tell me if he's okay

i say louder than i mean

Susie> come on let's take a walk

I want to scream at that lady and everyone else why did this have to be happening? i am so angry but , yelling at the poor nurse won't help pin it will just make me feel like a bitch later on.
i nod my head and agree.

We walk on down doors outside.

Susie > You really Love his Dont you

> Yeah i do
i look down at my feet before speaking again
> You know before he went out there he told me he loved me i never got the chance to tell him back.
i say as she embraces me in a hug. as tears spill from my eyes.

i see Marcus approaching us

> Is there any news
i ask hoping for the best

Marcus > No but Ted wants to talk to you

Marcus passes me the phone

> hello
Ted > Zoe have you gotten any word about Pin?
the worry sounding through his
> No they won't tell me anything they keep saying they can only release information to family.
Ted> Zoe you are family to us i'm going to take care of this okay
> Okay
i say smiling at the fact that he called me family.
Ted> i will have the nurses Give you Information i promise
> Thank you ted , Thank you do much.

i hang up the phone returning it to marcus

> We should head upstairs Ted said they would give me news soon.

we head to the lobby marcus taking his seat new to mia
across from them there's alex sitting next to Becky next to her it's jade then me once we get upstairs susie takes the empty spot next to me i look at her with a small smile.

30 minutes later • 9:01 pm
we still wait in silence how long does it take?
I reach into my pocket to grab my phone but instead i find a folded up piece of paper it's what's inside the that brought me to tears.

Zoe Phillips is the kindest and most purest person i know.
She has a way with me that's for sure she makes me feel wanted she makes me feel loved. I love Zoe Philips with all my heart i do now and i always will for she is my sunshine my happiness my everything.
p.s. if your reading this I love you so much Baby girl

God if only he knew how much i loves him. A sad smile appeared on my face as i read over the letter once again!

The Doctor > Zoe Philips

i heard my name called. i folded the love letter back up into my pocket.

> That's me
i says standing up along with the rest of our friends

The doctor > I am so sorry to keep you waiting I just got off the Phone with Mr. Hawthorn we usually only release information to family however after talking with Mr.Hawthorn until he arrives all information regarding the duke goes to you

> thank you

the doctor >according to Mr.Hawthorne there's a good chance that someday you will become a Duchess it wouldn't be wise to make you angry now.

I can't help but blush as all of my friends hear and i know that because they all go "awwwwwe"

> So will he be okay

The doctor > He should he has a mild concussion and few broke ribs and a broken leg however we performed surgery and he should be fine his leg is now completely fine other than that he will be fine if he wakes up

> what do you mean if he wakes up?

the doctor > i wouldn't be alarmed we sedated him to make sure he wouldn't wake up during surgery the sedative wore off but he hasn't woken up yet. however this is common in multiple injury patients.

> Oh can i see him

the doctor > Yes but just you we don't want to over crowd him.

> thank you
i said before turning around,
>I'm going to go see him, y'all can go home and get some rest maybe he can have visitors tomorrow

everyone nodded

Mia> is there anything we can do

> can you tell my grandfather what happened my phone died , tell him i won't be home til late

Mia > of course

> is there an extra stable open ?

Mia> i don't think so

i though for a moment

> can you take elvis to bright fields? you can put him in the stall with raven, i don't want to leave him by himself.
i ask becky and jade.

Becky > Sure
Jade > No problem

> thanks guys i will let you know if there's anything else on Pin

and with that u headed down the hallway finally at ease knowing he's safe.

953 word count ahhh long chapter 💕

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