The broken ones

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Just so everyone is clear i hated righting this chapter as much as y'all are going to hate what happens 😭 but it's will all be okay
No ones Pov
Pin woke up to find zoe still snuggled up in his arms, I love her so much she's so beautiful when she's asleep she looks so peaceful that gives me a happy content feeling pin couldn't help but think.
He looks over at her before deciding to do something special for her.
he untangled himself from her careful not to wake her up.
he head down stairs as he go into the kitchen.
God life was so perfect for Peter hawthorn that was until saw a something sitting on the counter.
Pin > what is this

Oh my god.

Thought coursing through his mind he walks up stairs to see His beautiful Zoe still engrossed in a deep sleep .

God she was going to hate me. he thought

He grabbed all his things piling them into my bag before walking out the door .

Zoe's Pov~~~~~~~~~~~
I wake up with a huge smile on my face as i rolled over to see my beautiful handsome Boyfriend except when i turn over he isn't there, I sat up
> Pin
i look around the room to see that his bags are gone along with his flannel jacket.

i get up out of the bed which looked a mess realizing i was only in a bra and a pair of pins shorts. it didn't matter anyway it was just pin seeing me nothing he hadn't seen before.

i walk down to the kitchen to find the milk sitting out on the counter , it was still cool
> Pin , Where are you?
where could he be.

i grab my phone texting pin
: where are you are you okay?

i run upstairs throwing on a t shirt leaving on pins shorts.

I look down to see he read the message, that's weird why wouldn't he respond to me.

He's probably Just over at his house getting some stuff.

After 30 minute of radio silence i can't take it anymore i grab my key to the golf cart and head on down the road to pins house.

was he mad at me?

God why would pin act like this?
Maybe i'm just over reacting maybe he just went home to check on things. Yeah, that was probably right.

I pull into the gravel driveway putting the cart in stationary

i walk over to his house before i look to see the front door open

> Heyyyyy, i texted you but you didn't respond?

Pin looked down at the ground before his eyes meeting mine he walks over and kisses me on the lips.

I smile up at him only to see he's not smiling back.

I reach out for his hand but instead he takes a step back.

By now i'm generally confused?.

> Pin i'm kinda confu...

He cuts me off by saying 7 words i never expected

Pin>Zoe I think we should break up.

> what
i ask sounding so helpless and feeling so stupid before i feel like i wanna bawl my eyes out.

Pin>I'm sorry

he mumbles out as he stares at the ground his eyes refusing to meet mine.
He turns and heads towards the door.

> This isn't like you what's going on pin please talk to me.

Pin> i made a mistake, i'm sorry i can't be in a relationship with you.

> what
my voice fragile and frail

Pin> I think it's best if you continue living your life apart from me and pretend the never happened

he looks at the ground.

by now there are tears on my cheeks

> Do you regret it?

Pin looks me up and down
Pin> I do.

> I guess this means a whole lot now doesn't it.
I slip the promise ring off my finger throwing it at the ground by his feet.

with that i run towards the golf cart speeding down the road at a speed i have never gone before.

why would he do this to me? i thought he loved me? I broke up my family so i could "stay and train" but i would be lying if i said pin wasn't part of the reason i chose to do that here instead of LA. how could i be so stupid?

I realize i'm hyperventilating and having a panic attack but pins not here to help me.
I close my eyes for a moment and pretend everything is okay and when i open my eyes he will be there by my side holding me close to him.




I open my eyes to see the reality of the situation.Pin was gone.
i step out of the golf cart still looking at my feet before i'm embraced in a hug

Mia > Oh Zoe what's wrong?
mia says trying to calm me down.
> it's P.i..n he just broke up with me.
Mia> What
she pulls apart from me looking in shock.

i start to cry even more.

Mia >Come on let's go inside and talk.

So what do y'all think made pin do that? The next chapter will be up later today!
as always vote and comment ❤️

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