Stay with me

854 15 4

as promised •💕🔅
Zoe's Pov
i looked up at the number 506, There was no name but that's because he's the duke.

I open the door to Pins room to see him sound asleep.

i pull the chair up beside his bed. It hurts me to see him like this, I love him so much and i couldn't imagine  spending the rest of my life without him in it. 

I though back to what the doctor said about becoming a Duchess, If that's what it meant to making sure i would live life with the man i love than okay.

I intertwined my fingers with his before brushing his hair of his forehead.

> Peter hawthorn gosh you scared me today you really did
i say with a tears rolling down my cheeks
> you have no idea how much i love you pin, You are my Best friend , My boyfriend, My world , My everything and i don't want to walk a day in this earth without you, I love you pin!

i let the words slip off my lips .

by the end , i am crying when i feel a squeeze on my hand
I look up to see Pin open his Green-Grey eyes that i often get lost looking into.

Pin> I love you too Zoe
pin says before trying to sit up

> easy , easy

pin > i'm not raven you know
he comments before giving a small laugh.

i gave him a look before smiling glad to see he hasn't lost his humor

> you cracked several ribs and broke your leg however the good news is the cast can come off in a few weeks.

he smiles.
Pin>did you mean what you said

> what

He smiles once more
Pin> you know what

> if your talking about when i said i love you then yes i meant that.

Pin> what about all the rest

i looked at him he had a smirk smile on his face

> I thought you were asleep

Pin> that's not what i asked though now is it?
he now had a grin on his face

gosh his cheekbones were so cute especially when he smiled.

i look down at the ground feeling my cheeks turn red

> yes i meant every word

I looked to see it was almost 10 o'clock.
> I should probably head home visiting hours are over .

Pin > screw visiting hours

> Pin
i can't help by laugh at his little outburst!

Pin > what i'm being serious i don't want you to go
he says giving me puppy dog eyes

i give him the no look trying to resist

Pin > fine if your leaving i'm going too
he says trying to get up

> no, stop your going to hurt yourself please

Pin > Fine but only because i can't say no to you Zoe Philips

I get up to grab the bag of pins stuff grabbing his phone smiling at the wallpaper which is a picture of me and him.

pin> what are you doing

i give him a small smile.
> my phone died i'm texting my grandpa i'm going to stay with you.

pin> yes i win.

he says grinning again

i give him his phone and a kiss on the forehead before sitting in the big green chair not too far away from pin however not as close as the other chair but this one looked more comfortable to sleep in.

Pin> What are you doing
he asks looking over at me.

> you wanted me to stay
i say back at him

Pin > Zoe come here

i stand up from the chair and walk over to the side of his bed where the chair i pulled up is.

He moved over slightly lifting the covers up.

>That's not a good idea
i say straight forward

Pin> And why the hell not

> i don't want to hurt you pin
i say looking down

Pin> babe what's wrong

> it's my fault you got hurt pin i should have never let you go out there.
i say with tears in my eyes remembering how i felt when i saw the explosion.

pin> Zoe , there is nothing you or anyone else for that matter could have done to stop me. please don't blame yourself.

i look down trying to hold back the tears as one falls down my cheek i quickly go to wipe it away when pin stops me an brushes it away with the his thumb. i can't help but smile a sad smile

he extends his hand to me which i now except crawling into bed at his side careful not to hurt him he puts his arm around me holding me close.

Pin> I love you Zoe Philips
> I love you to Peter Hawthorn

no ones pov
the two snuggled together and clung together like there life depended on it. nothing had ever felt more right to the two and with that they fell into a deep sleep after the long day

so how did you like chapter five are you happy pins okay? vote and comment 💕!!
Also i'm now kinda just naming chapters after songs but oh well😂
More chapters coming soon.
-xoxo Laura

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