hope for us yet

620 9 3

No one pov
Zoe lay there in the sand tears in her eyes from the pain.

Pin crawls over to her side to see her clutching her right arm.

Susie was right Callum didn't know how to shoot a gun he ended up shooting Zoe in the arm when his target was pins head.

Pin moves Zoe so she is now sitting in his lap between his legs crying

Zoe> Pin it hurts
she sobs out as he holds her closer.

Pin> i know baby, i know.
he says kissing the top of her head.

the group crowds around Zoe seeing if she was okay.

Jade> Oh my god , you broke up with Zoe because callum made you.
she states.

pin could only nod.

Marcus> Two days ago he left a note for pin threatening Zoe's life, So pin did what he had to do.

he says looking at pin proudly

Mia> you knew ?

Marcus> i did but i wasn't aloud to say anything.

the group continues to talk while

Zoe looks up at pin

Zoe> you did that for me
Pin whisper in her ear
Pin> I would die for you , i love you Zoe philips I've loved you since i first saw you. Why would you do that i could have taken the bullet.
Zoe > I love you too pin and that's why i did it.

a nurse walks over examining Zoe's arm.

Nurse> Well the good news is that the bullet went straight through your arm no surgery needed
the bad news is from the swelling the bullet went completely through through the bone we will need to do a X-ray to determine the severe ness of it . other than that you should be fine.

Zoe nods as the nurse wraps her arm in padding and a towel.

the others look around some looking at Zoe others watching as Callum and gabby are hauled into the cop cars.

Pin stands up before offering his hand to Zoe to help her up, with her good arm she accepts and stands up brushing sand off her

Pin> Come on i'll drive you to get your arm x-rayed

Zoe> Thank you

Mia> Do you want us to come with you?

Zoe looks over at pin before giving her reply.

Zoe>No i'm fine , i'll see you in the morning.

Zoe and pin walk over  over the sand dune before he looks at her with a small smile which she returns with a even bigger smile.

Pin opens the passenger doors to the red top less convertible for Zoe before going and getting in himself.

once they are in the car Zoe stops

Zoe> Pin
Pin> yes

he says not taking his eyes off the road he seemed so serious.

Zoe> When did you get a car

Pin laughs slightly easing the tension.

Pin> well apparently i have 6 more inside the castle garage that i inherited that i didn't know about until yesterday morning when arthur called.

Zoe laughs > it's a nice car

she tries to spark up more conversation.

Pin looks at her before stopping the car pulling over on the side of the road.

Pin> Zoe , i'm so sorry i never wanted to hurt you and...

Zoe immediately cuts him off

Zoe> No i get it it was callum you don't have to apologize.

Pin> i missed you so much Zo.

Pin says to her looking into her eyes with pain.

Zoe> i missed you too pin.
she says her breathing shaky

Pin> get out of the car

Zoe> what

Pin looks at her serious
Pin> get out of the car Zoe

confused she opens the car door up walking out to the front pin opens the glove box pulling out the promise ring before joining her infront of the car.

he look into her eyes before smiling

Pin> Zoe Philips i love you more than i have ever loved anyone. I Need you in my life without you I am lost.
I want to do everything with you Zoe i want to be the perfect guy for you so i can be worthy of your love. you are the best thing that has ever happened to me Zo ,

he hands her the promise ring smiling.

Pin>I know i hurt you and it killed me more than you will ever know,
but if you could forgive me and if you still love me would you be my everything once more.

Zoe by now had happy tears running down her face as she gave pin her hand as he slipped the ring on.

Zoe> i could never stop loving you Peter hawthorn.

and with that they pulled into a long lasting kiss holding each other close

as headlights came down on the road.

the cars began to honk it was there friends.

First was marcus and mia who rolled down the windows to Marcus's truck  laughing
followed by Alex, becky, Susie in jade with Alex driving the jeep

As the passed becky and Jade along with a slightly drunk susie yells " ZIN FOREVER"
as the car moves past

Zoe looks up at pin as he holds her close to his chest
Zoe> Forever?
Pin smiles down at his beautiful girlfriend
Pin> Forever ♾

Okie sooo they are back together but, it's no where near over with the new direction of the story this book could possibly end up having over 50 chapters.

Btw me and a friend are doing writing wars seeing who can get the most followers soooo be sure to follow me.💕

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