You did what with the duke of england

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Pins Pov~~~~
I had to keep Zoe safe at all costs I could she was still shaking after my outburst.

> Callum might think he can get to us and get in our head but he's wrong we have to live our lives but with caution no one goes off places alone stay with one another in crowded areas where he can't target you.

Gabby>we should be safe at bright field for now but we should close the gate

i nodded.

Zoe's PoV
Pins right we can't live in fear. we all decide we will treat this as any other day.
Pin> Are you okay
> Yeah i'm fine i'm just worried callum will come back
Pin > Hey don't worry about me okay lol
he says trying to reassure me that.

Becky > Zoe pony squad meeting in the tack room in 5 ?

i look over at pin before he gives me a nod

Pin> I'll be fine just don't worry about me alright, go have fun.

he gives me a small kiss sending electricity coursing through my body i can't help but smile as i walk on over to the tack room.
inside Becky and Jade are sitting looking wide eyed at me,

Jade> What is that on your finger
Becky > Omg are y'all getting married

i laugh.
> Becky i'm 16 however it's a promise ring from pin.

Becky > Horsome Omg i want details from last night

> we talked
Jecky> and
> we kissed
Jecky> and
> we cuddled
Jecky> and

I look down not wanting to say it outloud.

Jade > oh my gosh .. you didn't
Becky > Oh mY god she totally did

Jade looked at me in shock and surprise

Becky > This is huge you had sex with the duke of england!
> becky, keep your voice down i don't want the whole yard to know about it what me and pin choose to do in our free time.

Becky > right sorry , how was it
jade> becky
Becky> sorry
> It was sweet , he was amazing
I really love him guys!

jade and becky awww in cuteness

Jade > what about your grandfather

> Oh he's out of town on business but, anyways what's up with y'all

Becky > i have some news guys , Alex asked me on a date tonight

> what

Jade> Becky no way that's awesome
Becky> but what if i say something weird or make a fool of myself.
> You won't just be you alex really cares about you for you don't change that.
Jade > That's some good advice Zoe.
Becky > Yeah it really is thank you Zoe.

Hope you all enjoyed this is the shortest chapter yet the next one will be a long one tho 💛🔅

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