Just you and me

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thank you 🥰🔆

No one Pov ~~~~
The rest of the day was kind of a blur for zoe and pin.
Pin had spent the day with marcus and alex going over paperwork for bright field.
Zoe spent her day getting Becky ready for her big date!

7:01 pm •
Alex has just picked Becky up for their date, Gabby and Jade had gone home a while ago for a sleepover which zoe was invited to but decided to spend time with pin instead beings grampa would be home in a few days, now Zoe stood by the office door waiting for pin he came out not long after giving her a kiss on the forehead.
Pin> You ready to go babe
Zoe > Yep all set
This time however Pin was the one driving as they pulled up to the driveway.

Pin took the keys out and looked over at Zoe who was now lost staring into his eyes.

They both just laughed as they got out of the golf cart, walking up the stairs. as they got inside pin whisks Zoe up into his arms before spinning her around and planting a long passionate kiss upon her lips before placing her feet back on the floor.

Zoe>You shouldn't do that you might hurt yours...
Pin kissed her again stoping her from talking
pin> You worry to much
Zoe wraps her arms around his neck as he picked her up once more holding her close to him.

Zoe leaned in to the kiss as it grew more and more heated. Zoe put her hands on both side of his face as she kissed pin. She had her legs wrapped around Pins waist as he was holding her by her legs.

Pin carried Zoe up the stairs with her still clinging to him. He layed her down back on the bed pressing himself on top of her.

Zoe> P..in..
zoe said as she was out of breath. from there heated makeout session.

Pin> Sorry
he says as he pulls himself off of her embarrassed.

Zoe laughed as she grabbed him by the
hem of his flannel shirt pulling him back ontop of her
sending sparks through both of them.

Zoe> I was going to say i love you!

she said looking into his eyes before taking his shirt off

Zoe> I love you Peter Hawthorn
she said it slow and quietly in a whisper.

Zoe pov
His lips travel from my mine as they make their way down my neck sending chills all through my body.

lust takes over resulting in my next actions

Zoe>I want you pin
I say as i let his name roll off my lips

I stare into his eyes, before seeing him nod understandingly making me smile.

as pin kisses down my neck his hands fiddle with the hem my shirt nervously.

I loved pin for that he was always so patient not wanting to rush me.

he looks into my eyes,
>Go ahead
with that he helps me pull my shirt over my head.

Pin pulls the covers over us as if to give us privacy, This was going to be a long night.

No ones pov •|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•~~~
while Zoe and pin were Upstairs enjoying their time with each other they were unaware of the fact that there was someonelse in the house. They two drifted asleep holding onto one another some might have called it the best night of their life but, for how long when morning comes Everything will be different.

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